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Physical Science Formulas Perfect Science Ayterion
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Physical Science Formulas Perfect Science Ayterion
Perfect Science Symposium
Speech Prepared for
World Water Day
Beijing, China
March 18-22, 1996
Ladies and gentlemen and esteemed colleagues of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, it is the very great pleasure of Perfect Science of Istanbul, Turkey to present to this historic gathering comprehensive solutions to the water and sanitation crises presently confronting all industrialized and developing countries. Perfect Science has developed the Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program for the express purpose of assisting all sovereign nations and their peoples in the task of stabilizing the collapsing ecosystems of Planet Earth in accordance with United Nations resolution 44/228. The complete Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program will be unveiled at the upcoming United Nations Habitat 11 Summit in Istanbul.
Perfect Science has developed, in conjunction with the Turkish Government, unique methodologies which permit for the immediate purification of all global drinking water supplies presently degraded by toxic industrial waste streams and human waste water streams. The Perfect Science purification methodologies will permit all sovereign nations to concurrently initiate complete restoration of all contaminated aquifers and fresh water reservoirs within their sovereign territories. The scientific technique behind this wondrous accomplishment will be fully revealed to all world governments and their scientists at Habitat 11 in Istanbul.
The challenge today is for this august body to move from the paradigm of poison to the paradigm of purification. The paradigm of poison has been the pathway to this critical World Water Conference. Fresh water supplies, once bountiful are increasingly degraded by industrial poisons and human wastes. The paradigm of poison is premised on the persistence of these industrial and human wastes in the drinking water supplies.
Within the paradigm of poison, the compounded effect of increased global industrialization and population growth will easily generate enough persistent toxins to effectively create a global drinking water catastrophe. The global water catastrophe will be the direct result of an exponential increase of persistent toxic industrial and human wastes impacting upon the fresh water supplies throughout the world. The obvious conclusion within the paradigm of poison is eventual collapse as stated in U.N. resolution 44/228.
Perfect Science is therefore most honored to present to this World Water Conference the paradigm of purification. Within this new paradigm of purification there is no water crisis. There is merely the challenge of implementing the solution. Within this new paradigm of purification, there is no fear of degraded fresh water supplies. Utilizing the Perfect Science purification methodologies, persistent and toxic industrial and human wastes can now be easily destroyed, creating vast resources of readily available fresh drinking water across the globe. Utilizing the Perfect Science purification methodologies, industrial waste streams and urban sewage can now be completely neutralized before their discharge into the environment. This revolutionary process of neutralization will prevent recurrent degradation of purified drinking water supplies. Within the paradigm of purification there will be plentiful resources of fresh drinking water supplies of the 21st century. Perfect Science grants that, as stated in the aide memoir, the greatest challenge confronting the human family is the management of increasingly threatened water resources. Yet Perfect Science is here today to underscore the elimination of this threat. Perfect Science is making available to all nations cost-effective water purification methodologies that until now almost seemed impossible to consider. It is now within the grasp of all nations and their peoples to restore the ecological balance of planet Earth, swiftly and completely.
It is utmost importance for all attending this conference to know that the Perfect Science Environmental Purification Technologies have the capacity to not only purify all global drinking water supplies, but at the same time, these purification methodologies can be applied for restoration of polluted surface waters, polluted global soils and polluted global atmospheres. Destruction of toxins in surface waters will restore aquatic food chains across the globe. Destruction of toxins in polluted soils will restore agriculture bounty across the globe. As will be fully revealed, in Istanbul, at Habitat 11, Perfect Science has truly developed a comprehensive global program for stabilization of collapsing ecosystems.
Perfect Science is presently poised to assist all sovereign nations in developing the ways and means of removing industrial toxins from polluted drinking water supplies, surface waters, soils and atmospheres. This historic capability will transform the negative economic and social trends stemming from the present global toxicity crisis. The Perfect Science Environmental Purification Technologies now permit,for the first time in global industrial history, the development of such positive economic and social trends that the course of present human development will be changed forever. Perfect Science is here to inform all participants that all planetary ecosystems can be repaired without compromising continued industrial development. The Perfect Science Worldwide Environmental Purification Program reconciles the simultaneous demand of sustainable development with increasing industrial growth throughout developing nations.
Let us make a covenant, today, to bury the paradigm of pollution and poison, and, in unison, give birth to the new and exciting paradigm of purification, where the human condition is freed once and for all from the threat of global ecocide.
Send mail to lorri@ad-ps.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1999 Perfect Science
Last modified: August 7, 1999
Perfect Science Symposium: "Speech Prepared for
World Water Day
Beijing, China
March 18-22, 1996
Ladies and gentlemen and esteemed colleagues of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, it is the very great pleasure of Perfect Science of Istanbul, Turkey to present to this historic gathering comprehensive solutions to the water and sanitation crises presently confronting all industrialized and developing countries. Perfect Science has developed the Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program for the express purpose of assisting all sovereign nations and their peoples in the task of stabilizing the collapsing ecosystems of Planet Earth in accordance with United Nations resolution 44/228. The complete Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program will be unveiled at the upcoming United Nations Habitat 11 Summit in Istanbul.
Perfect Science has developed, in conjunction with the Turkish Government, unique methodologies which permit for the immediate purification of all global drinking water supplies presently degraded by toxic industrial waste streams and human waste water streams. The Perfect Science purification methodologies will permit all sovereign nations to concurrently initiate complete restoration of all contaminated aquifers and fresh water reservoirs within their sovereign territories. The scientific technique behind this wondrous accomplishment will be fully revealed to all world governments and their scientists at Habitat 11 in"
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "Testimonials
July, 2001
Dear Ayhan, Terry,
I just wanted to write to you and thank you again for your help. I was
diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma back in January of this yr. I wrote to you
about the water you have and you sent it to me for shipping only cost. I want
to thank you again that was in Feb. I drank the water several times a day
they way you told me to . I started chemo in March and since my sister works
with an MRI machine we kept tabs on the tumor it was gone by my second 1/2 of
my first chemo treatment. My Dr. said she had never seen a tumor go away so
quickly. I did 3 more sessions of chemo after that and then she did a pet
scan and said the cancer was gone. So I quit the chemo. She wanted me to do 3
more treatments (according to the American cancer society) that is how many
you are supposed to have. But since chemo is so destructive to the body I
decided to stop once they told me the cancer was gone according to the pet
scan. I just want to thank you for the part the water played in my healing I
am sure it sped up the healing process and let you know I am now cancer free
and back to work. (as of June 21,2001) .....(I wasn't supposed to be back to
work until August.) ... . thank you so much for your help in my time of
need.... Love, Kim
Please Contact us at:
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "Hi Suzy,
Subject: 'miracle water' controversy
We are interested in anything said about Perfect Science.
Thanks and we have already forwarded this to Perfect Science. Please note that this message is dated May 9,2000...any idea who sent this? Or any truth behind this or is it one of many disinformation campaigns against Perfect Science? I hope you already know about one of the great projects of Perfect Science and Full -Circle Int Sarasota , Florida about being the body into wellness and balanceing the AIDS Virus. Last month against all the odds, they opened a clinic in Haiti with the help of President of Haiti against AIDS! Apparently situation is worse than what people know... about 80% of the population has AIDS and there is no help from any country. Everybody is afraid of even just going to Haiti. And last month Perfect Science has just opened a clinic specifically curing AIDS! There is a plan by the President of Haiti to create swimming pools filled with Perfect Science waters so they can do Mass Healings in thousands! When everybody is afraid, Perfect Science has already opened a clinic in Haiti against all odds. Our dear Suzy, please also check these facts before you send any claims made by somebody who was working for US military for what agenda.
Also, please check with World Water Solutions about their healing stories of hundreds of people documented and also tested by Aquatron in past few years.
Thanks and best regards,
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "Testimonials
Conference In Croatia
Dear Renata & Silvia,
Many thanks for providing such a perfect weekend experience, you did a
great service to us all and the work of Perfect Science. I'm sorry we did
not all have a group hug before departing but it is in my heart anyway.
Please pass on my thanks to Melita and Zoran and my hostess whose name I failed to register! she, along with all of you gave unconditional love, I am deeply moved and hope, one day, to be able to reciprocate in England.
Terry is brilliant and I got her message in a much clearer way. It
impressed on me the importance of understanding Perfect Science FORMULA'S instead of 'super ionized' water. It makes much more sense to think in terms of frequency and superconductivity.
Please also thank the sponsors with the water, it was lovely and I am
inspired to get a similar machine.
I loved Croatia and Zagreb, it was refreshing to see a community that
seemed relaxed and happy with much less materialism than we have here,
the marketplace is unlike any I have seen before, just beautiful produce &
flowers. How lucky you are to have a tram system, our towns and cities are chocked with cars, all our old tram systems were taken out many years ago.
I feel quite sad coming back to my old realities but I'm sure I will shift
some energies soon and start to"
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "11/2001
I was asked to reply your questions. My name is Anita Behrns, and I do live in Norway. I do work with Perfect Science formulas for about 1 1/2 years now.
First I do want to clear some things which are important to know. All Perfect Science 'drinking -formulas' are made in USA. The inventor of this medical / drinking formulas is Mrs. Terry Welch from USA. Mr. Ayhan Doyuk is the inventor of all our environmental cleaning formulas and household products.
At this moment there are people working with our medical formulas in many different countries. The results for treating cancer patients are very, very lovely ones All the different formulas you can order directly from the Perfect Science web-site www.royalkadin.com . You will also find lot of information's about the different formulas.
If you need more explanations, so please just tell me, and I will help you as much as I can.
There are a few cancer studies made yet, and I know you can find some material about a melanoma-case study from Australia on the homepage for www.perfectsciencewater.com Otherwise there are a lot if reports coming inn from all our people working with the formulas. Explanations from Physics Researcher of Institute of Physics' in Zagreb / Croatia / Mrs. Silvia Tomic PhD , you can also find on this web-page.
As I told , there are a lot of wonderful "
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
I was asked to reply your questions. My name is Anita Behrns, and I do live in Norway. I do work with Perfect Science formulas for about 1 1/2 years now.
First I do want to clear some things which are important to know. All Perfect Science "drinking -formulas" are made in USA. The inventor of this medical / drinking formulas is Mrs. Terry Welch from USA. Mr. Ayhan Doyuk is the inventor of all our environmental cleaning formulas and household products.
At this moment there are people working with our medical formulas in many different countries. The results for treating cancer patients are very, very lovely ones All the different formulas you can order directly from the Perfect Science web-site www.royalkadin.com . You will also find lot of information's about the different formulas.
If you need more explanations, so please just tell me, and I will help you as much as I can.
There are a few cancer studies made yet, and I know you can find some material about a melanoma-case study from Australia on the homepage for www.perfectsciencewater.com Otherwise there are a lot if reports coming inn from all our people working with the formulas. Explanations from Physics Researcher of Institute of Physics' in Zagreb / Croatia / Mrs. Silvia Tomic PhD , you can also find on this web-page.
As I told , there are a lot of wonderful reports from all over, but not all published yet. I got one of this wonderful ( not yet reported ) cancer treatment results myself.
My mother in law is 83 years old. Last year in March she finally got the diagnosis lung cancer after she got ill some weeks before. Doctors first thought she had got asthma or a had caught a virus after her vacation in Spain. She had several tumors and first they did not know if they were able to give her some treatment at all. I knew there was fantastic results by using Perfect Science formulas, and I decided to start her treatment immediately, without even asking the doctors. They would not have given me permission at all if they had known what I was going to treat her for her cancer disease.
Usually I to test people with Prognos or Itronic before I do recommend one special formula. In this case I had no chance to do so, she was at the hospital and I had no chance to test her there. The doctors would have thrown me out if I had come there with my testing device. So I decided to put her on the lightest formula until I was able to test her. I blended the formula down to drinking blending and I also took with me natural spring water which she was supposed to drink immediately after drinking the formula. I left her several liters drinking formulas and spring water at the hospital and I supplied her all the time while she was there. After drinking formulas only a few times she was able to feel that her breath suddenly was much easier, and she told the doctors. They seemed to get some interest and I left them some information.
When they saw this was some kind of " alternative" therapy, they were not interested any more. After some times they decided to give her chemo therapy. She got one of this cures, and then she had to come back to have a new check. ( During all this time she was drinking formulas. ) The doctors got shocked when she came back for a new check. According to their own words they had never ever experienced something like that before. All tumors had shrunked a lot. They had never seen something like that before. The doctors told themselves they were not sure about if this was from the formulas I had given her, or if this was from their chemo therapy. ( I know very well what made this happen !!!) They decided to give her one more chemo therapy, ( she was drinking a lot of formulas during all the time ) and when she came back to the second check, there was no more sign of any cancer, all was gone, this was in July last year. . (The formulas also helped her to keep down all the bad side effects from chemo therapy. She recovered much faster than people usually do after such treatments.) Since then she is well and there is no more cancer at all to find.
This is a wonderful and true story.
If you think our doctores got interested to hear more about the formulas then, I am sorry to tell you - they were not. Up here all that counts for the doctors is their traditional school medicine, and nothing else. They will have to wake up in times to come, just now they are not ready for that.
One of our therapists told me short time ago about her girlfriend who has got cancer. She does supply her now with formulas in the hospital, and the doctors have been surprised about the positive changes in her blood. It is all done by the formulas.
As for us up here it is not easy to do studies as long as the doctors do not want to join us - work against us. Usually we are not allowed to trat cancer patients, its only doctors domene. If we meet someone with this problems we do have to call it something else. Like, "cleaning the body, or increasing well ware in the body.
I am born in Austria, so I know things like that are a little bit easier in Germany and Austria than they are up here in the high north. There are many doctors working with complementary treatment in Germany / Austria, so I guess it would be much easier for you to make studies like that at your place. You are also president in this cancer group and you have a lot of people who could join this study.
There are some excellent gels ( including formulas ) which are used as supplement to the formulas in cancer therapy.
I do not know if you have heard about Prognos or Itronic yet. This are testing devices based on traditional Chinese acupuncture theory, they show you even the slightest changes that do happen in the body. ( A more modern and easier to learn - diagnose-and therapy control device / than EDV). A lot of doctors and dentists in Europe do use this devices.
I do hope I have been able to answer most of your questions. If you have some more, please do contact me and I will try do do my best and answer you.
We will have a Perfect Science Conference later this year in Zagreb, and you could join us there if you want to. Also in Zagreb there are doctors using formulas and doing treatment with formulas on cancer patients.
Here some links where you can find more information about the different products / formulas / gels.
With best regards
Anita Behrns
Ayterion Inc / Using the Perfect Science System Inc.
For real science and research
WWW.Perfectsciencewater.com WWW.Perfectscience.com
WWW.RoyalKadin.com/ Our store
The Perfect Science System Inc.
Please Contact us at:
Ayterion Agua Ad- Perfect Science System. Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Copyright © 2001 Ayterion Agua - Perfect Science System ., Inc. All rights reserved.
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "11/2001
I was asked to reply your questions. My name is Anita Behrns, and I do live in Norway. I do work with Perfect Science formulas for about 1 1/2 years now.
First I do want to clear some things which are important to know. All Perfect Science 'drinking -formulas' are made in USA. The inventor of this medical / drinking formulas is Mrs. Terry Welch from USA. Mr. Ayhan Doyuk is the inventor of all our environmental cleaning formulas and household products.
At this moment there are people working with our medical formulas in many different countries. The results for treating cancer patients are very, very lovely ones All the different formulas you can order directly from the Perfect Science web-site www.royalkadin.com . You will also find lot of information's about the different formulas.
If you need more explanations, so please just tell me, and I will help you as much as I can.
There are a few cancer studies made yet, and I know you can find some material about a melanoma-case study from Australia on the homepage for www.perfectsciencewater.com Otherwise there are a lot if reports coming inn from all our people working with the formulas. Explanations from Physics Researcher of Institute of Physics' in Zagreb / Croatia / Mrs. Silvia Tomic PhD , you can also find on this web-page.
As I told , there are a lot of wonderful "
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "11/2001
I was asked to reply your questions. My name is Anita Behrns, and I do live in Norway. I do work with Perfect Science formulas for about 1 1/2 years now.
First I do want to clear some things which are important to know. All Perfect Science 'drinking -formulas' are made in USA. The inventor of this medical / drinking formulas is Mrs. Terry Welch from USA. Mr. Ayhan Doyuk is the inventor of all our environmental cleaning formulas and household products.
At this moment there are people working with our medical formulas in many different countries. The results for treating cancer patients are very, very lovely ones All the different formulas you can order directly from the Perfect Science web-site www.royalkadin.com . You will also find lot of information's about the different formulas.
If you need more explanations, so please just tell me, and I will help you as much as I can.
There are a few cancer studies made yet, and I know you can find some material about a melanoma-case study from Australia on the homepage for www.perfectsciencewater.com Otherwise there are a lot if reports coming inn from all our people working with the formulas. Explanations from Physics Researcher of Institute of Physics' in Zagreb / Croatia / Mrs. Silvia Tomic PhD , you can also find on this web-page.
As I told , there are a lot of wonderful "
I was asked to reply your questions. My name is Anita Behrns, and I do live in Norway. I do work with Perfect Science formulas for about 1 1/2 years now.
First I do want to clear some things which are important to know. All Perfect Science "drinking -formulas" are made in USA. The inventor of this medical / drinking formulas is Mrs. Terry Welch from USA. Mr. Ayhan Doyuk is the inventor of all our environmental cleaning formulas and household products.
At this moment there are people working with our medical formulas in many different countries. The results for treating cancer patients are very, very lovely ones All the different formulas you can order directly from the Perfect Science web-site www.royalkadin.com . You will also find lot of information's about the different formulas.
If you need more explanations, so please just tell me, and I will help you as much as I can.
There are a few cancer studies made yet, and I know you can find some material about a melanoma-case study from Australia on the homepage for www.perfectsciencewater.com Otherwise there are a lot if reports coming inn from all our people working with the formulas. Explanations from Physics Researcher of Institute of Physics' in Zagreb / Croatia / Mrs. Silvia Tomic PhD , you can also find on this web-page.
As I told , there are a lot of wonderful reports from all over, but not all published yet. I got one of this wonderful ( not yet reported ) cancer treatment results myself.
My mother in law is 83 years old. Last year in March she finally got the diagnosis lung cancer after she got ill some weeks before. Doctors first thought she had got asthma or a had caught a virus after her vacation in Spain. She had several tumors and first they did not know if they were able to give her some treatment at all. I knew there was fantastic results by using Perfect Science formulas, and I decided to start her treatment immediately, without even asking the doctors. They would not have given me permission at all if they had known what I was going to treat her for her cancer disease.
Usually I to test people with Prognos or Itronic before I do recommend one special formula. In this case I had no chance to do so, she was at the hospital and I had no chance to test her there. The doctors would have thrown me out if I had come there with my testing device. So I decided to put her on the lightest formula until I was able to test her. I blended the formula down to drinking blending and I also took with me natural spring water which she was supposed to drink immediately after drinking the formula. I left her several liters drinking formulas and spring water at the hospital and I supplied her all the time while she was there. After drinking formulas only a few times she was able to feel that her breath suddenly was much easier, and she told the doctors. They seemed to get some interest and I left them some information.
When they saw this was some kind of " alternative" therapy, they were not interested any more. After some times they decided to give her chemo therapy. She got one of this cures, and then she had to come back to have a new check. ( During all this time she was drinking formulas. ) The doctors got shocked when she came back for a new check. According to their own words they had never ever experienced something like that before. All tumors had shrunked a lot. They had never seen something like that before. The doctors told themselves they were not sure about if this was from the formulas I had given her, or if this was from their chemo therapy. ( I know very well what made this happen !!!) They decided to give her one more chemo therapy, ( she was drinking a lot of formulas during all the time ) and when she came back to the second check, there was no more sign of any cancer, all was gone, this was in July last year. . (The formulas also helped her to keep down all the bad side effects from chemo therapy. She recovered much faster than people usually do after such treatments.) Since then she is well and there is no more cancer at all to find.
This is a wonderful and true story.
If you think our doctores got interested to hear more about the formulas then, I am sorry to tell you - they were not. Up here all that counts for the doctors is their traditional school medicine, and nothing else. They will have to wake up in times to come, just now they are not ready for that.
One of our therapists told me short time ago about her girlfriend who has got cancer. She does supply her now with formulas in the hospital, and the doctors have been surprised about the positive changes in her blood. It is all done by the formulas.
As for us up here it is not easy to do studies as long as the doctors do not want to join us - work against us. Usually we are not allowed to trat cancer patients, its only doctors domene. If we meet someone with this problems we do have to call it something else. Like, "cleaning the body, or increasing well ware in the body.
I am born in Austria, so I know things like that are a little bit easier in Germany and Austria than they are up here in the high north. There are many doctors working with complementary treatment in Germany / Austria, so I guess it would be much easier for you to make studies like that at your place. You are also president in this cancer group and you have a lot of people who could join this study.
There are some excellent gels ( including formulas ) which are used as supplement to the formulas in cancer therapy.
I do not know if you have heard about Prognos or Itronic yet. This are testing devices based on traditional Chinese acupuncture theory, they show you even the slightest changes that do happen in the body. ( A more modern and easier to learn - diagnose-and therapy control device / than EDV). A lot of doctors and dentists in Europe do use this devices.
I do hope I have been able to answer most of your questions. If you have some more, please do contact me and I will try do do my best and answer you.
We will have a Perfect Science Conference later this year in Zagreb, and you could join us there if you want to. Also in Zagreb there are doctors using formulas and doing treatment with formulas on cancer patients.
Here some links where you can find more information about the different products / formulas / gels.
With best regards
Anita Behrns
Ayterion Inc / Using the Perfect Science System Inc.
For real science and research
WWW.Perfectsciencewater.com WWW.Perfectscience.com
WWW.RoyalKadin.com/ Our store
The Perfect Science System Inc.
Please Contact us at:
Ayterion Agua Ad- Perfect Science System. Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Copyright © 2001 Ayterion Agua - Perfect Science System ., Inc. All rights reserved.
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "11/2001
I was asked to reply your questions. My name is Anita Behrns, and I do live in Norway. I do work with Perfect Science formulas for about 1 1/2 years now.
First I do want to clear some things which are important to know. All Perfect Science 'drinking -formulas' are made in USA. The inventor of this medical / drinking formulas is Mrs. Terry Welch from USA. Mr. Ayhan Doyuk is the inventor of all our environmental cleaning formulas and household products.
At this moment there are people working with our medical formulas in many different countries. The results for treating cancer patients are very, very lovely ones All the different formulas you can order directly from the Perfect Science web-site www.royalkadin.com . You will also find lot of information's about the different formulas.
If you need more explanations, so please just tell me, and I will help you as much as I can.
There are a few cancer studies made yet, and I know you can find some material about a melanoma-case study from Australia on the homepage for www.perfectsciencewater.com Otherwise there are a lot if reports coming inn from all our people working with the formulas. Explanations from Physics Researcher of Institute of Physics' in Zagreb / Croatia / Mrs. Silvia Tomic PhD , you can also find on this web-page.
As I told , there are a lot of wonderful "
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "-----
October 4, 2002
Fermi National Laboratory
Dr. Arlene Lennox
P O Box 500 Mail Stop 301
Batavia, Il 60510
Dear Dr. Arlene Lennox,
The Perfect Science Research and Development Company have an energetic enhancing formula that has been proven in balancing and raising the levels of energy in the body that lead to a state of wellness.
We ask your kind assistance in a joint venture to collect patients to test this technology or do laboratory tests on blood samples.
We are proposing this project at this present time because as you are aware we are in a catastrophic event because of the environmental impact on our planet, human and animals. The West Nile Virus is in siege and time cannot be wasted to stop the progress of its attempts.
We believe do to the fact that mounts in the Southern Illinois, over the cave systems near the Ohio River and the shift in our planet a contamination has lead to this disastrous event.
You can contact Dr. Silvia Tomic who works in joint venture with Perfect Science and can verify the evaluation of our formulas according to standardization that has been done at the Institute of Physics; Zagreb, Croatia. www.ifs.hr/real_science/silvia.html; office 3851-46 98 820; fax 3851-46 98 889; CV can be obtained off of website.
Under public health condition, assessments can be done under “ burden of proof” "
Perfect Science A.D.- Royal Kadin
Perfect Science A.D.- Royal Kadin: "There will be an additional charge for shipping outside the continental USA. All Sales are final.
Environmental Household Kit
Royal Flush A.D.™ Environmental Household Kit - Cleans Hands, Body, Rugs, Windows, Dishes, Toilets and Bathrooms and Universal Cleaner all types of surface dirt and oily buildup easily with just the swipe of a clean cloth. Leaves surfaces sparkling clean. The kit contains 7 products, which last over a year with regular cleaning.
The Kit includes 7 products : Pink liquid hand soap 16 oz pump plus a refill 1 liter , Dish Washing Liquid concentrate, All purpose Cleaner 1 liter concentrate, Rug Cleaner 16 oz. concentrate, Carpet Cleaner for Machine 16oz concentrate, Toilet and Bathroom Cleaner 16 oz concentrate, Window Cleaner 1 liter, and Video of demonstrations by Mr. Ayhan Doyuk. Regular price $190.00
Perfect Science Video 'The Environmental Connection to a Pristine Planet'. Mr. Ayhan Doyuk demonstrate these formulas. This video will show you the concept behind the products in this household kit!
Ayterion Agua Ad- Perfect Science System. Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Copyright © 2005 Ayterion Agua - Perfect Science System ., Inc. All rights reserved."
www.perfectscience.com RoyalKadin Official Store!
www.perfectscience.com RoyalKadin Official Store!: "There will be an additional charge for shipping outside the continental USA. All Sales are final.
Perfect Science Internal Water Formulas
Special Offer!
All those that we know, who followed the protocol prescribed and did not give up, have experienced the most beneficial results. What people usually prefer is to get rid of the symptoms and have pain relief. These formulas work on the cause and therefore the way how one experience them and how they work is first certainly different than a standard remedy and second cannot be the same for all people.
When the body is in balance it will heal itself.
The Ayterion Aqua™ Perfect Science system considers the cleansing of the human bodies, as well as the local and global environment in which we live, to be essential in the realization of the new world of free energy. Perfect Science products are for Human and Animals.
Perfect Science products are made with the proprietary formula and ingredients called the Ayterion Aqua ™ ( which is named after some of the originators Andrew, Terry, Randal and Ayhan ) and mixed only with the best spring water. We consider these formulas to be the best aligned to the Planet and the living beings. This consideration is also supported by the pool of data obtained by Aquatron device by which patients are tested for the different medicaments available.
www.perfectscience.com RoyalKadin Official Store!
There will be an additional charge for shipping outside the continental USA. All Sales are final.
Perfect Science Internal Water Formulas
Special Offer!
All those that we know, who followed the protocol prescribed and did not give up, have experienced the most beneficial results. What people usually prefer is to get rid of the symptoms and have pain relief. These formulas work on the cause and therefore the way how one experience them and how they work is first certainly different than a standard remedy and second cannot be the same for all people.
When the body is in balance it will heal itself.
The Ayterion Aqua™ Perfect Science system considers the cleansing of the human bodies, as well as the local and global environment in which we live, to be essential in the realization of the new world of free energy. Perfect Science products are for Human and Animals.
Perfect Science products are made with the proprietary formula and ingredients called the Ayterion Aqua ™ ( which is named after some of the originators Andrew, Terry, Randal and Ayhan ) and mixed only with the best spring water. We consider these formulas to be the best aligned to the Planet and the living beings. This consideration is also supported by the pool of data obtained by Aquatron device by which patients are tested for the different medicaments available.
The Founders of Perfect Science
Water on a daily basis is the most important issue in natural healthcare in The Perfect Science System, it is important for the reader of this section to understand the complete breadth of this approach in order to gain maximum benefit. Drinking Water every day sets the stage for the immune system and all other systems of the body to fight against disease and maintain the highest quality of physical, mental and emotional health. There are some researchers who point out that energetic input from living water is just as important as tangible nutrients and important natural supplements like aloe vera. Although still in the theoretical research, there is information being established that for normal chemical pathways to occur in the body, the cells also need the energy input from water.
The Ayterion Aqua™ - Perfect Science System is designed for wellness and abets in the balance of most conditions of health for humans and animals. The energetic supplements from Ayterion Aqua - Perfect Science System assist in cleansing, detoxifying, energizing and balancing the body. When the body is in balance it will heal itself. Many people have benefited from drinking the Perfect Science water formulas right after waking up and right before going to sleep – which is based on many different unsolicited testimonials for doctors and the general public from around the world.
It is recommended to use the all of the Perfect Science products together, as the products will work synergistically to detoxify and protect you. The Perfect Science System is not a one-time healing modality. It takes a commitment from you to use the products on an ongoing basis to achieve the level of health that you want. We live in a polluted world, and only by an ongoing effort to cleanse and protect ourselves, can we expect to maintain a healthy, youthful, energetic glow.
All of the Ayterion Aqua Perfect Science System products, when used together, produce a synergistic process to promote wellness.
Perfect Science formulas contain naturally occurring saponins. Currently, through research science has brought forth the understanding of certain health benefits for the human body from phytochemical called a saponins. These health benefits include prevention of cancer, immunological support, effective cholesterol lowering agent, and anti-oxidant properties. There is continuing research to expand the scientific findings on the health benefits of saponins. As we derive health support from a natural plant compounds called a saponins, there is research being conduct on the ways saponins affect the health of plants. Saponins are one of the main elements or “trigger” that support some plant life in being healthy, and receiving and utilizing its nutritional needs.
It is only the modern science that recognized the Reality as the web of self-consistent interactions in multi-dimensional space-time in which time and interactions are generically non-linear. This means that the reality we live is what we have created, and that we as humans (and that is valid for all entities that exist in the universe) are the result of mutual interactions. Thusly, to change the world in which we live we have to first cleanse our physical and energy bodies, in order that we will be able to help in cleaning the Planet and all what exist on it and was created during long painful history of the human fall, and align it with the New world.
Please, keep in mind that your own experience would be the most important to spread these formulas also among other people.
Perfect Science AD, Perfect Science System. Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Copyright ©1997- 2005 Ayterion Aqua - Perfect Science System ., Inc. All rights reserved.
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Perfect Science Internal Water Formulas
Special Offer!
All those that we know, who followed the protocol prescribed and did not give up, have experienced the most beneficial results. What people usually prefer is to get rid of the symptoms and have pain relief. These formulas work on the cause and therefore the way how one experience them and how they work is first certainly different than a standard remedy and second cannot be the same for all people.
When the body is in balance it will heal itself.
The Ayterion Aqua™ Perfect Science system considers the cleansing of the human bodies, as well as the local and global environment in which we live, to be essential in the realization of the new world of free energy. Perfect Science products are for Human and Animals.
Perfect Science products are made with the proprietary formula and ingredients called the Ayterion Aqua ™ ( which is named after some of the originators Andrew, Terry, Randal and Ayhan ) and mixed only with the best spring water. We consider these formulas to be the best aligned to the Planet and the living beings. This consideration is also supported by the pool of data obtained by Aquatron device by which patients are tested for the different medicaments available.
www.perfectscience.com RoyalKadin Official Store!
www.perfectscience.com RoyalKadin Official Store!
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Copyrights Perfect Science , Perfect Science AD WWW.PerfectScience.com
YELLOW (Basic) - good for cuts, scraps, healing of wounds. Has drawing purpose. No essential oils.
GREEN - contains essential oils that have been documented to aid joints and connective tissue. Excellent for massage therapists.
BLUE - contains essential oils documented to aid with lymphatic function and cellulite.
LIGHT BLUE - contains essential oils that have been documented to aid as antifungal and tissue regenerator.
The best way to know the gels is to work with them yourself. Your own experience wll give you the best guide. Let the formulas work and they will show you the results.
Moisturizer - 4 oz. jar. $25.00 - will allow through the Ayterion Agua™ ingredient the dew needed to obtain a vibrant complexion. The moisturizer cream is used for the delicate tissue of the face, as a base that will add to a glowing expression. Moisturizing to be used alone or under make up.
The moisturizer will give special attention to the whole BODY TO MOISTURIZE; and, combined with the Royal Kadin aloe gel, to tone AND REFRESH the skin.
To order single videocassette, Perfect Science The Environmental Connection to a Pristine Planet - $12.00
Accelerate the Perfect Science system, using the Ayterion Agua foot bath. The technologies of the along with the Ayterion Agua system will balance and create a changed blueprint in the energy of the body. Balance in the body enables the body to function with a youthful effect creating a state of wellness.
Foot Bath Has Two Formulas (No other formulas should be used with the foot baths) 48 hours minimum between foot baths. :
Vital Clearing (1 oz.) - $20.00 - Pour into glass and add 8 oz. of spring water to drink before feet go into the water.
Foot Bath (1/2 oz.) - $5.00 -Pour Foot Bath Solution into foot bath water.
NEW! Protect Vial. $20.00 - Protect yourself from EMF waves from power lines, your television, computer, etc. Small vial fits in pocket, or inside your bra.
Royal Kadin Moist Day Creme (2 oz.) - $40.00 - Exquisite, delicate moisturizer for day wear, includes Perfect Science formulas.
Royal Kadin Remember Creme (2 oz.) - $40.00 - More intense moisturizing effect, for dryer skin or as a night creme.
Royal Kadin Rose Night Creme (2 oz.) - $40.00 - Essence of rose, silky moisturizing for overnight.
Royal Kadin Beauty Soap - $5.00 - Aromatherapy in a soap! With liquid silk, apricot kernel oil, grafefruit see extract, coconut and olive oils, shea and cocoa butters, plus Perfect Science formula. You will fall in love!
© 2001-2007 Perfect Science AD , Terry Welch , Nancy OBrien Welch ,Perfect Waters, L.L.C. All rights reserved.
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Contact information:
email perfectscience@gmail.com
telphone-1-815-838-7629 fax 1-815-838-2001
testing 1-941-320-0002 and also
Perfect Waters, L.L.C.
P.O. Box 162 New Lenox, IL 60450 877-890-7709 info@perfectwaters.net
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Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products
Creates an environment that allows:
Balancing pH.
Heavy detoxification of "internal water system."
Transforming and balancing of emotions & feelings.
Recommended/suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Creates an environment that allows:
Enhancing the process of transformation of the "informational overload". Clearing and transforming the web of self-consistent interactions.
Recommended/suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)
Can be chilled in refrigerator.
You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.
Creates an environment that allows:
Transforming patterns adopted through physical and emotional experiences.
Clearing the path for new creativity.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day or at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Creates an environment that allows:
Balancing the body and clearing pathways and networks.
Creating a higher energy and purify the body.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water, Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day or at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)
Can be chilled in refrigerator.
You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.
Creates an environment that allows:
Empowering all aspect of the physical and emotional bodies.
Transforming issues.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60 cc-240cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day or at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Creates an environment that allows:
Balancing in the physical and energy bodies to accept the new purified energy.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)
Can be chilled in refrigerator.
You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.
Creates an environment that allows:
Purifying the neuro- connections.
Recommended/suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240 cc) followed by same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Creates an environment that allows:
Transforming and clearing viruses.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)
Can be chilled in refrigerator.
You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.
Creates an environment that allows:
Transforming by bringing the internal electronic water to harmony and healing.
Natural relaxing and calming.
Transforming poisons to bionutrients.
Balancing genetic information and the building of proteins.
Balancing inner water.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Creates an environment that allows:
Transforming and correcting dissimilar internal water.
Balancing pH.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc- 240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)
Can be chilled in refrigerator.
You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.
Creates an environment that allows:
Transforming of body energy centers.
Clearing energetic blockages.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240cc) followed by same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day or at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Creates an environment that allows:
Clearing and transforming naturally the inner water bringing about a free internal vortex.
Transforming and balancing emotions, feelings and automatic motor operation in the physical body.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)
Can be chilled in refrigerator.
You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.
Contact perfectscience@gmail.com
tel-phone 1-815-838-7629 fax 1-815-838-2001
law office 1-815-723-2909
testing and info on research Jim Trider 1-941-320-0003
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products: "erfect Science products are made with the proprietary formula and ingredients called Ayterion Aqua ™ (named after the creators Terry Welch and Ayhan Doyuk) and mixed only with the best spring water. We consider these formulas to be the best aligned to the Planet and living beings. This consideration is also supported by the pool of data obtained by the Aquatron device by which patients are tested for the different medicaments available.
It is only modern science that recognized the reality as the web of self-consistent interactions in multi-dimensional space-time in which time and interactions are generically non-linear. This means that the reality we live is what we have created, and that we as humans (and that is valid for all entities that exist in the universe) are the result of mutual interactions.
To change the world in which we live we have to first cleanse our physical and energy bodies, in order to help clean the Planet and all that exist on it and all that was created during long painful history of the human fall, and then align it with the New world.
The Ayterion Aqua™ - Perfect Science System is designed for wellness and abets in the balance of most conditions of health for humans and animals. The energetic dietary supplements from Ayterion Aqua™ - Perfect Science System assist in cleansing, detoxifying, ener"
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products: "erfect Science products are made with the proprietary formula and ingredients called Ayterion Aqua ™
Ay means Wisdom Ter means Terry ion for the knowledge of both Doyuks A. Doyuk Welch and Ayhan Doyuk made famous at Wesak . The team Nancy O Brien Welch , Terry Welch , Ayhan Doyuk , A. Doyuk Welch , Andrew Nixon , Randall Miller , and also many others who help along our journey to wellness and helping the planet . This is the story of Terry Welch and her journey to Balance she has Lupus and Bio-Polar
disorder . And with balance and wellness and medicine and alot of talk work . She Won !
(named after the creators Terry Welch and Ayhan Doyuk) and mixed only with the best spring water. We consider these formulas to be the best aligned to the Planet and living beings. This consideration is also supported by the pool of data obtained by the Aquatron device by which patients are tested for the different medicaments available.
It is only modern science that recognized the reality as the web of self-consistent interactions in multi-dimensional space-time in which time and interactions are generically non-linear. This means that the reality we live is what we have created, and that we as humans (and that is valid for all entities that exist in the universe) are the result of mutual interactions.
To change the world in which we live we have to first cleanse our physical and energy bodies, in order to help clean the Planet and all that exist on it and all that was created during long painful history of the human fall, and then align it with the New world.
The Ayterion Aqua™ - Perfect Science System is designed for wellness and abets in the balance of most conditions of health for humans and animals. The energetic dietary supplements from Ayterion Aqua™ - Perfect Science System assist in cleansing, detoxifying, ener"
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products
Bringing You the Perfect Science/Ayterion Agua™
Line of Bio-Health and Environmental Products
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Animal Products
Small Animal Aloe Gel (4 oz. jar) $20.00 - Aloe Vera's characteristics have been documented as having anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to penetrate tissue to increase the blood supply in the area applied. With the addition of the "Ayhanized' formula it is assimilated by the body to aid in balancing which leads to an improved immune system. For small animals apply to paws (gently apply between pads) or on skin as needed.
Large Animal Aloe Gel (16 oz) - $35.00 - Same benefits from Aloe Vera, with a Perfect Science formulation specifically to match the energy signature of horses.
Small Animal Dietary Supplement (4 oz.) concentrate - $20.00 - can be used as a nutrient to hydrate and flush the body, maintaining balance in the body to heal itself.
Large Animal Dietary Supplement (1 + 2) 4 liters - $170.00 - maintains balance in the body, allowing it to heal itself. Horses, cattle, llamas, etc.
Don't forget our Proprietary Perfect Silver for your pets - Click here for more information
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© 2001-2007 Perfect Waters, L.L.C. All rights reserved.
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Perfect Waters, L.L.C.
P.O. Box 162 New Lenox, IL 60450 877-890-7709 info@perfectwaters.net
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Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products: "Bringing You the Perfect Science/Ayterion Agua™
Line of Bio-Health and Environmental Products
Animal Products
Small Animal Aloe Gel (4 oz. jar) $20.00 - Aloe Vera's characteristics have been documented as having anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to penetrate tissue to increase the blood supply in the area applied. With the addition of the 'Ayhanized' formula it is assimilated by the body to aid in balancing which leads to an improved immune system. For small animals apply to paws (gently apply between pads) or on skin as needed.
Large Animal Aloe Gel (16 oz) - $35.00 - Same benefits from Aloe Vera, with a Perfect Science formulation specifically to match the energy signature of horses.
Small Animal Dietary Supplement (4 oz.) concentrate - $20.00 - can be used as a nutrient to hydrate and flush the body, maintaining balance in the body to heal itself.
Large Animal Dietary Supplement (1 + 2) 4 liters - $170.00 - maintains balance in the body, allowing it to heal itself. Horses, cattle, llamas, etc.
Don't forget our Proprietary Perfect Silver for your pets - Click here for more information
Home | Perfect Science Intro | Perfect Science/Ayterion Agua Bio-Health Products | Perfect Science Environmental Products
Ayterion Agua Bath/Beauty | Aqua-Chi | Testimonials | Perfect Science Pet Products |"
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products: "QUESTIONS TO PERFECT SCIENCE:
WWW.PerfectScience.com email perfectscience@gmail.com
(www.perfectscience.com / www.perfectwaters.net, email perfectscience@gmail.com using the Terion system Ayterion Agua Perfect Science, Mrs. Terry Welch, Mrs. Nancy Francis O'Brien Welch, Ms A. Welch Doyuk and Mr A. Doyuk and the Perfect Science team)
What is the cleaning effect of the drinking water based on?
The human body consists of cells containing cell sap. Depending on circumstances, our bodies also contain different amounts of viruses and bacteria, good and bad. The harmful bacteria produce reproductive cells, which in turn create problems. So we need a substance that supports the internal balance of the cells. By drinking Super Ayhanized water, the harmful bacteria and other microbes encapsulate, their link to cells is broken and they are disengaged from the cells within seconds and withdraw from the body with lymph. After that, the natural antidotes go into effect and the blood balance is restored.
The oxygen content of blood increases by even 60 per cent and the water in the blood becomes crystal clear. In addition, the fat accumulated in blood vessels and other channels changes into harmless oil, which means that the cholesterol level is diminished. The oil, in turn, changes into nutrients and protein, which immediately produces more energy. Briefly, Ayhanized water cleans all blood vessels in the body.
There are several cases in which people "
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products
(www.perfectscience.com / www.perfectwaters.net, using the Terion system Ayterion Agua Perfect Science, Mrs. Terry Welch, Mrs. Nancy Francis O'Brien Welch, Mr A. Doyuk and the Perfect Science team) email perfectscience@gamil.com
What is the cleaning effect of the drinking water based on?
The human body consists of cells containing cell sap. Depending on circumstances, our bodies also contain different amounts of viruses and bacteria, good and bad. The harmful bacteria produce reproductive cells, which in turn create problems. So we need a substance that supports the internal balance of the cells. For medical researchers and Doctor s contact
Mr Jim Trider , Full Circle 1-941-320-0002/ Doctor Mickley PHD / Doctor Silvia Tomic PHD
email perfectscience@gmail.com
By drinking Super Ayterion formula , the harmful bacteria and other microbes encapsulate, their link to cells is broken and they are disengaged from the cells within seconds and withdraw from the body with lymph. After that, the natural antidotes go into effect and the blood balance is restored.
The oxygen content of blood increases by even 60 per cent and the water in the blood becomes crystal clear. In addition, the fat accumulated in blood vessels and other channels changes into harmless oil, which means that the cholesterol level is diminished. The oil, in turn, changes into nutrients and protein, which immediately produces more energy. Briefly, Ayhanized water cleans all blood vessels in the body.
There are several cases in which people who have lost their senses of sight, hearing or smell for example, have regained the lost senses after the blocked channels have been reopened. We all have blockages, but the water removes them.
In arthritis too, certain channels have been blocked preventing blood from circulating freely in those areas. Ionized water helps in these cases too, and restores the free circulation so that the defense mechanisms of the body start working again restoring the healthy state of the body. In diabetes, Ayterion Formula removes the blockages that prevent the normal action of the pancreas. I've seen many such cases. Kidney stones are dissolved without pain and leave the body. The process starts in approximately two weeks' time after the patient has started to drink Ayhanized water. Excellent results have been reached with cancer cases as well.
Skin creams made with Ayterion formula helps penetrate through different skin layers. If, for example, you have scars from operations, the effective ingredients of the ointment penetrate deep, all the way to the marrow. Normally the ointments stay on the surface of the skin, but "water" cures, for example, inflammations deeper, layer by layer, without wound inflammations. The production of new cells is intensified reducing scar tissue and preventing new scars from being formed.
What about AIDS?
There are all kinds of medicines and many kinds of diseases we know. For me the diseases are not different, they are all the same thing. When you clean your blood you have no diseases. And this applies to everything.
Is Ayhanized water effective in treating the heavy metals in the body? Perfect Science AD has done many research projects all over the world in that area. Contact Mr Jim Tirder 1-941-320-0002 e-mail perfectscience@gmail.com
Heavy metals are dangerous. If they can be found in the bodily areas where the organism is in the state of disease they can cause a lot of additional problems. I'm not saying that we shouldn't get rid of them, but there are heavy metals everywhere. However, they have no effect on us if we are healthy. Activated into a dangerous state, they can be 200 times as harmful. Super-Ayhanized water capsules these toxins and makes them ineffectual so that they can no longer damage the cells. Even if the heavy metals remain in the organism for some time they will no longer be dangerous. In one of our tests, for example, the reading of heavy metal content dropped from 5,2 to 0,2!
There are lots of medicines that have been developed to remove pain, for instance. And that's exactly what they do, but the body suffers anyway, pain or no pain. Some of the pain killers, however, contain impure substances. Chemical medicines can also kill all the bacteria, both the good and the bad. Radiotherapy too, can be problematic. Although I respect this kind of treatment I consider it another method. As is the case with chemical and medical treatments, chemotherapeutic treatment too, inflicts new sufferings on the body. But when we destroy viruses and produce useful proteins from fats with water, we do not stress the body in any way. I believe it is a good solution with no harmful side effects.
Generally speaking, herbal treatments are also beneficial. More and more people rely on herbs, which is a good thing. In countries where there are no dangerous gases or pollutants, herbs often suffice, but they are not enough, if there are dangerous industrial and household wastes or hormonal remnants and the like in the environment. Herbs are more sensitive than the human body and may only account for one fifth of the treatment. They are not able to split hydrocarbon into nutrients, and that is why we need Super-Ayterion Clear to clean the blood. WWW.PerfectScience.com
That is the difference between herbs and Super-Ayhanized water Ayterion . It is a good thing that people use herbs, but they are not enough if one lives, for example, in Istanbul, New York or some other heavily polluted area.
In Istanbul people have to go as far as 70 or 80 kilometres from the city to be able to breathe fresh air. The same thing happens more and more often all over the world. In 1857 when oil was introduced as a fuel, it was used only in America and Europe. Nowadays it is used everywhere - 6,000,000,000 people use it! How much pollution it will cause, nobody knows. We will soon be suffocated by it. When there is not enough oxygen in the air we can still breathe but will gradually be suffocated because of the lack of this substance which is of vital importance for our bodily functions. We are indeed going in that direction.
I have heard that they are spreading some new substance from the aeroplanes to clean the air in New York
We have developed that method and done a lot of research on it. When, for example, the city is covered by an air pack and when we spread out our "formula" on top of it, it decomposes the hydrocarbons into free gases that drop down to earth like snow flakes. This former pollutant can then be used as a fertilizer.
Do any of the governments cooperate with you in this matter?
Yes, and I don't believe that this should be the first measure to undertake. Naturally, it would be nice if Perfect Science could have an immediate effect on everything, but I still believe that the first thing to do is to clean the waters. I really believe that when we have first cleaned the waters on our planet the water will then clean our environment. By using cleansers and detergents made from Super-Ayhanized water more and more extensively, the water will be cleaned through the same channels through which it was polluted in the first place.
I can only advise people all over the world and tell them to be active in their own sectors. When we cling to the basic principles, we will increase the understanding both of technology and of our minds. We try to help the others to see the right way.
I have informed many governments, telling them about the existing possibilities and the available applications. But it often happens that even if they see the applications they expect me to introduce them to a university. Americans hope that I will establish a Perfect Science school in the US, and even in Europe I have met many professors who are waiting for me to start a school.
It is true that we have to go to school again and learn new things.
Please read all text written by Doctor Silvia Tomic PHD real science . Real Science is what we about .
The adults are not worried but the new generation is. They feel that they have hardly any hope left. When looking at a river, for example, you can say to your child, "Look at that river. I used to swim in it." The child wonders why he can't do the same thing any more. You could also tell your child, "I used to be able to drink this water" but now you have to tell him not to put his foot in it.
We cannot wait for ten years and see these children grow up, because that will be far too late.
The bulk of research work is now done and we have also proved that what we claimed is true. But I am not a businessman. One has to be either a businessman or a scientist, or either a scientist or just a teacher. In any case I'm happy that we have the applications to clean the water** and the earth**, and human blood too, of course. We also know how to put out difficult fires.
You also work with plants. Can you make plants grow better in cold surroundings, for example?
The water formulas for plants contain a quality that prevents plants from freezing. Our factory is located in a region that may have snow at winter time. When scientists from all over the world came to visit the factory they were wondering how it was possible that there was grass growing near the factory. Thanks to our water, which protects the plant inside as well as outside, this miracle was possible. After the snow has melted, the plants may push up at double speed. As a matter of fact, we have been able to prove that we can have four harvests in Turkey, one in each season. And when we eat that crop, their seeds for example, our ability to tolerate cold also increases. That is true. The scientists also admired the sunflowers, which I had cultivated with the help of water and without using any hormones at all.
How often should the water be used to gain protection against cold?
It is needed only once during the season of growth. The water affects the molecule structure of the plant. Scientists consider this completely incredible.
We could lengthen the season of growth in the Nordic countries.
Indeed, we could, in Finland and Russia, for instance. Some Russian scientists visited me in Turkey because they had several problems concerning oil refining and radioactivity, for example. They also told me about the problems they had in Uzbekistan. Lake Aral is situated in that region. There used to be a river, but now it is a salty desert. I then started to treat the soil with Perfect Science products. Some of the land was completely useless. It was winter and there was snow on the ground when I visited the place. We started with 1,000 square kilometres, and as it turned out, we could make the grass grow again. The Russians were really amazed. However, an earth quake in Turkey interrupted the project, because our manufacturing plant was damaged and we could no longer produce Super Ayhanized water. We had no insurance on the manufacturing plant, and I had no support from anyone. We were left to our own devices. In spite of all this, I tried to help them and the Turkish government. The earth quake started large fires in Turkish oil refineries. I had immediately three helicopters at my disposal and we put out the burning refineries with the products that were stored in our damaged plant. I lost four engineers, excellent colleagues of mine, in the earth quake. There was a lot of sorrow, but afterwards I began to think of how to move on. I had to start everything from the beginning again. There was no factory, nothing.
In Finland the winter is long and it is the general practice to salt the freezing roads. This has been going on for quite a long time now, and the salt is absorbed into groundwater, which has spoiled some of the drinking water. The government has compensated for the damages by drilling new wells in place of the spoilt ones.
Would Perfect Science be a solution to this problem?
We have products that penetrate hundreds of meters deep into the ground encapsulating the salts and protecting the water.
Is there a liquid that could be used instead of the road salt?
We have an Anti-ice product. If they used this product they wouldn't have the problem. I can't force people, but we can clean their water and give them the product to prevent freezing. It is up to them. Countries, however, have their official agreements for importing these salts, so the problem is not quite that simple. Governments have their own ways of action, offers are taken from different competing manufacturers etc, but since Perfect Science has no competitors, this becomes a problem. They should make a precedent decision stating that they will not use road salts any more but will start using safer substances. We are, however, the only company in this field so far, and that is the reason why it is difficult for them to reconcile our principles with their ways of action. It is our problem as well, we cannot compete with any one. The system should be changed. I repeat once more that we can most certainly clean the polluted groundwater as well as the water in the wells, in which case new wells would be unnecessary. Furthermore, we can give them the necessary product to prevent freezing. The problems can be solved, if there is willingness to do it.
Governments control the citizens' problems too. There are a few practices that should be changed. The United Nations is trying to produce some new rules in 2000. These rules would recommend the governments not to use certain products. Consequently, the governments should cancel the deal of many damaging products. They should not allow the production, import and export of toxic products. But introducing new ways of action is never easy.
We cannot force. We can only hope that people would understand new things and new technologies and start testing them or using them, if not hundred per cent, the maybe fifty per cent. The other fifty per cent would still be old technology. They have nothing to lose. The government organs have two offices, one for the protectors and the other for the salters. These offices then dispute with each other but the result is zero. When we offer them a new alternative they say they have to draw up new rules because our product is water. Then they arrange some tests and demonstrations and tell us they have to find the right way to proceed. And this is where everything stops. Nobody has the courage to sign anything. There are so many fears.
I have spoken with many government representatives and offered them solutions to different kinds of problems. And this is what is happening in several places. What I try to do is to open the way for new understanding, new mentality and new scientific approaches. They have nothing to lose, they experiment, and when they see the result, they are convinced.
It is much more difficult to make people act in a preventive way than to make them just act. When the situation reaches the urgent crisis point, there is no more time to wait.
That's right. In a crisis I am called immediately. Then they say, "OK, thank you very much." After that they start proceeding towards another crisis. This is very sad. It is true that they ask me how much money I want, and of course, they are willing to pay for the help. I assure them that I am not doing this for money. Invest in the new technology and start your own production! They agree but don't still understand. Soon everything is just as it used to be and the new technology is forgotten. But when the situation becomes urgent again, they call me. I ask them whether they already have the new system that we had suggested before. Do they already have the agreements? Some governments have made improvements but generally the answer is, "We'll pay you this time, and then we'll start the system." "I don't want money", I say, "but you need a new system. This technology has not been developed only for crises, the next one may be really serious. It might happen that you won't be able to find me next time, I may not be available each time, but if you manufacture your own products, you will be ready at any moment."
How many governments have you cooperated with?
We are collaborating with many governments at the moment, for different reasons. Some have water problems, others large fires; some have soil problems, others difficulties with radioactivity. Each government has its own problems, but most of the requests have to do with urgent "face to face" situations.
What about the UN?
To my great sorrow, I have to say that the UN is a beautiful organization but they do hardly anything. They just can't, which is very sad. I visit the UN from time to time. They draw up resolutions, and hope and wait. My objective is to act through governments so that they would be able to spread the information to their own citizens. The governments are, however, bound by many principles, which control millions, hundreds of millions of people. When they exclude certain matters, these matters really remain out of the reach of millions of people. What is closed is closed.
Business life causes a lot of pollution, which the governments are often responsible for. If someone could make the business world see how to save plain money or to collect savings instead of expenses, that would arouse the interest of many quarters. If, for example, the president of the republic resorted to his authority and said, "... it saves both money and us from many future problems...", that would certainly interest the decision makers in business life.
This is a very important factor. Using the technology developed by Perfect Science saves enormous sums of money. Some are not able to use their polluted water, and others the land they own. Perfect Science technology, however, is a very good bargain, which can save a lot of money. We can save their waters and their land.
Perfect Science technology could create jobs for millions of people right away. When the soil is restored and improved, there would be fewer famines. If the waters were cleaned, the areas that have long been useless could be re-cultivated.
Many countries are at war with each other. Why? Because of water and land. They are not able to use the dry land and the polluted water. The reasons for wars will be abolished when we show them the green solutions and applications. And we do not only restore the environment but also give them new land, new water, everything new.
During the last year and a half I have had the feeling that we are progressing towards positive solutions. I was not so confident earlier. But now, this year, several governments have been willing to understand many new ideas. There have been questions about nature, which has already started to react worldwide. Nature does not forgive anything, and the governments have every reason to be worried.
Thank you.
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Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products: "QUESTIONS TO PERFECT SCIENCE:
(www.perfectscience.com / www.perfectwaters.net, using the Terion system Ayterion Agua Perfect Science, Mrs. Terry Welch, Mrs. Nancy Francis O'Brien Welch, Mr A. Doyuk and the Perfect Science team)
What is the cleaning effect of the drinking water based on?
The human body consists of cells containing cell sap. Depending on circumstances, our bodies also contain different amounts of viruses and bacteria, good and bad. The harmful bacteria produce reproductive cells, which in turn create problems. So we need a substance that supports the internal balance of the cells. By drinking Super Ayhanized water, the harmful bacteria and other microbes encapsulate, their link to cells is broken and they are disengaged from the cells within seconds and withdraw from the body with lymph. After that, the natural antidotes go into effect and the blood balance is restored.
The oxygen content of blood increases by even 60 per cent and the water in the blood becomes crystal clear. In addition, the fat accumulated in blood vessels and other channels changes into harmless oil, which means that the cholesterol level is diminished. The oil, in turn, changes into nutrients and protein, which immediately produces more energy. Briefly, Ayhanized water cleans all blood vessels in the body.
There are several cases in which people "
Silvia Tomic CV
Silvia Tomic CV: "Silvia Tomic CV
[Silvia Tomic]
Institute of Physics
Bijenicka 46
P O Box 304
HR-10000 Zagreb
TEL: +385 1 4698 820
FAX: +385 1 4698 889
Curriculum vitae
Personal data
* born Jan 22, 1953, Zagreb, Croatia
* BS 1977, Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* MS 1981, Physics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* PhD (Doctorat d'état) 1986, Physics, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1977-1981: Research Assistent, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1981-1986: Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1987: Postdoctoral position (Chercheur Associé au CNRS), Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1986-1991: Assistant Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1989-1991: Project Leader 'Synthetic Metals and Superconductors', Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1999: Associate Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1996: Project Leader, 'Novel Anisotropic Organic Conductors and Superconductors', Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1996-2003: Project Leader, 'Novel electronic states in molecular conductors', Instit"
Silvia Tomic CV
Silvia Tomic CV: "Silvia Tomic CV
[Silvia Tomic]
Institute of Physics
Bijenicka 46
P O Box 304
HR-10000 Zagreb
TEL: +385 1 4698 820
FAX: +385 1 4698 889
Curriculum vitae
Personal data
* born Jan 22, 1953, Zagreb, Croatia
* BS 1977, Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* MS 1981, Physics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* PhD (Doctorat d'état) 1986, Physics, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1977-1981: Research Assistent, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1981-1986: Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1987: Postdoctoral position (Chercheur Associé au CNRS), Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1986-1991: Assistant Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1989-1991: Project Leader 'Synthetic Metals and Superconductors', Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1999: Associate Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1996: Project Leader, 'Novel Anisotropic Organic Conductors and Superconductors', Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1996-2003: Project Leader, 'Novel electronic states in molecular conductors', Institute o"
Silvia Tomic CV
Silvia Tomic CV
[Silvia Tomic]
Institute of Physics
Bijenicka 46
P O Box 304
HR-10000 Zagreb
TEL: +385 1 4698 820
FAX: +385 1 4698 889
Curriculum vitae
Personal data
* born Jan 22, 1953, Zagreb, Croatia
* BS 1977, Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* MS 1981, Physics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* PhD (Doctorat d'état) 1986, Physics, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1977-1981: Research Assistent, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1981-1986: Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1987: Postdoctoral position (Chercheur Associé au CNRS), Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1986-1991: Assistant Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1989-1991: Project Leader "Synthetic Metals and Superconductors", Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1999: Associate Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1996: Project Leader, "Novel Anisotropic Organic Conductors and Superconductors", Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1996-2003: Project Leader, "Novel electronic states in molecular conductors", Institute of Physics, Zagreb
* 2003-now: Project Leader, "Systems of reduced dimensionality: from synthetic organic to biomaterials", Institute of Physics, Zagreb
* 1999-now: Scientific Advisor
Main Research Topics and Interests
[Silvia Tomic]
* Charge and Spin density waves
* Organic superconductivity
* Novel anisotropic synthetic materials
* Self-organised structures
* Life sciences and biotechnology
Get partial bibliography of recent articles for Real Science group (abstracts included): BibTeX file or PS file.
Recent articles
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Published articles
1. D. Djurek, K. Franulovic, M. Prester, S. Tomic, L. Giral and J.M. Fabre, New Phase Transition at 46 K in Tetrathiafulvalane Tetracyanoquinodimethane (TTF-TCNQ), Phys. Rev. Lett. 38, 715 (1977).
2. K. Biljakovic-Franulovic, S. Tomic, M. Prester and D. Djurek, Specific Heat Measurements of the Quasi One-Dimensional Conductor HMTTF-TCNQ, Fizika 10, 254 (1978).
3. K. Biljakovic-Franulovic, S. Tomic, M. Prester and D. Djurek, Calorimetric Study of the Phase Transitions in HMTTF-TCNQ, J. Physique Lett. ?, L151 (1979).
4. S. Tomic, K. Biljakovic, D. Djurek, J.R. Cooper, P. Monceau and A. Meerschant, Calorimetric Study of the Phase Transitions in Niobium Triselenide NbSe3, Solid State Commun. 38, 109 (1981).
5. S. Tomic, K. Biljakovic, D. Djurek and J.R. Cooper, Calorimetric Study of the Phase Transitions in NbSe3, Chemica Scripta 17, 189 (1981).
6. S. Tomic, Fraction of Condensed Electrons and CDW Correlation Length from Specific Heat Data for NbSe3, Solid State Commun. 40, 321 (1981).
7. D. Djurek and S. Tomic, Thermal Conductivity of NbSe3, Phys. Lett. 85A, 155 (1981).
8. D. Djurek, M.Prester and S. Tomic, Electric Field Dependent Dielectric Function in NbSe3, Solid State Commun. 42, 807 (1982).
9. S. Tomic, D. Jérome, P. Monod and K. Bechgaard, EPR and Electrical Conductivity of the Organic Superconductor Ditetramethyltetraselenafulvalenium-perchlorate, (TMTSF)2ClO4 and a Metastable Magnetic State Obtained by Fast Cooling, J. Physique Lett. 43, L-839 (1982).
10. S. Tomic, J.P. Pouget, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, Influence of Disorder on the Metal Insulator Phase Transition in Di-(Tetramethyltetraselenafulvalene)-ium perbromate, (TMTSF)2BrO4, J. Physique 44, 375 (1983).
11. S. Tomic, D. Jérome, P. Monod and K. Bechgaard, Influence of the Anion Disorder on the Low Temperature Behaviour of the Organic Superconductor (TMTSF)2ClO4, J. Physique Colloq. 44, C3-1083 (1983).
12. S. Tomic, D. Jérome, D. Mailly, M. Ribault and K. Bechgaard, Influence of the Disorder Potential of the Anions on the ground State of the Organic Alloy (TMTSF)2(ClO4)1-x(ReO4)x, J. Physique Colloq. 44, C3-1075 (1983).
13. S. Tomic, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, Influence of the Cooling Rate on the Ground State of the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2ReO4, J. Phys. C., Solid State Phys. 17, L11 (1984).
14. S. Tomic, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, The Electric Field Induced Conducting State in an Organic Semiconductor, J. Phys. C., Solid State Phys. 17, L655 (1984).
15. S. Tomic, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, Cooling Rate and Electric Field Effects in (TMTSF)2FSO3, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 119, 59 (1985).
16. S. Tomic, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, Influence of the Anion Order on the Ground State of the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2ReO4, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 119, 241 (1985).
17. C. Weyl, L. Brossard, S. Tomic, D. Mailly, D. Jérome, B. Hilti and C.W. Mayer, Magnetotransport and EPR Measurements on (TSeT)2Br, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 120, 263 (1985).
18. R.T. Henriques, L. Alcaser, M. Almeida and S. Tomic, Transport and Magnetic Properties on the Family of Perylene-dithiolate Conductors, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 120, 237 (1985).
19. R.C. Lacoe, F. Creuzet, K. Murata, S. Tomic, D. Jérome, M. Ribault, K. Bechgaard and A. Moradpour, The Effect of Pressure on Anion Ordering in (TMTSF)2BF4, Synth. Metals 15, 289 (1986).
20. S. Tomic, L. Brossard, R.C. Lacoe, D. Jérome, M. Ribault, K. Bechgaard and G. Rindorf, The Role of Anions in Determining the Ground State and the Low Temperature Behaviour of the Organic Alloy (TMTSF)2(ClO4)1-x(ReO4)4, 0≤x≤1, Physica 143B, 375 (1986).
21. M. Ribault, F. Pesty, L. Brossard, B. Pivetau, P. Garoche, J.R. Cooper, S. Tomic, A. Moradpour and K. Bechgaard, Field Induced Phase Transitions in the Bechgaard Salts, Physica 143B, 393 (1986).
22. L. Brossard, S. Tomic, D. Mailly ,D. Jérome, M. Ribault and K. Bechgaard, Shubnikov de Haas Oscillations and (0,1/2,1/2) Anion Ordering in (TMTSF)2ReO4 at 14 kbar Observed by Transport Measurements, Physica 143B, 409 (1986).
23. S. Tomic, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, Effects of Non-Magnetic Disorder in Organic Superconductors, in "Low-dimensional Conductors and Superconductors", ed. D. Jérome and L.G. Caron, Plenum Press, p. 335 (1987).
24. S. Tomic, D. Jérome, A. Aumüller, P. Erk, S. Hünig and J.U. von Schütz, Pressure-Induced Metal-to-Insulator Phase Transitions in the Organic Conductor (2,5 DM-DCNQI)2Cu, Europhysics Letters 5, 553 (1988).
25. S. Tomic, D. Jérome, A. Aumüller, P. Erk, S. Hünig and J.U. von Schütz, Pressure-Temperature Phase Diagram of the Organic Conductor (2,5 DM-DCNQI)2Cu, J. Physics C., Solid State Physics 21, L203 (1988).
26. S. Tomic, F. Fontaine and D. Jérome, Search for Narrow-Band Noise under Pulsed Electric Fields in the Non-Linear Regime of TTF-TCNQ, Phys. Rev. B 37, 8468 (1988).
27. R.T. Henriques, W. Kang, S. Tomic, D. Jérome, A. Aumüller, S. Hünig and J.U. von Schütz, Transport Properties of (DM-DCNQI)2Ag at Normal and Applied Pressure, Solid State Commun. 68, 909 (1988).
28. P. Baillargeon, C. Bourbonnais, S. Tomic, P. Vaca and C. Coulon, EPR Analysis of Antiferromagnetic Critical Effects in Organic Conductors, Synth. Metals 27, B83 (1988).
29. A. Penicaud, P. Batail, S. Tomic, D. Jérome and C. Coulon, Cation-Radical Salts of the Paramagnetic Hexanuclear Octahedral Halide Cluster Nb6Cl183-: Preparation, Crystal Structure, Transport and Magnetic Properties of D5(Nb6Cl18)(CH2Cl2)0.5 (D=TMTSF and TMTTF) and (TTF)2(Nb6Cl18)(Et4N)(CH3CN)0.75, Synth. Metals 27, B103 (1988).
30. R.T. Henriques, S. Tomic, W. Kang, D. Jérome, F. Brisset, P. Batail, P. Erk, S. Hünig and J.U. von Schütz, Pressure-Temperature Phase Diagram of (DM-DCNQI)2Ag: a Comparative Study with Related Compounds, Synth. Metals 27, B33 (1988).
31. S. Tomic, D. Jérome, A. Aumüller, P. Erk, S. Hünig and J.U. von Schütz, Pressure-Temperature Phase Diagram of the Organic Conductor (DM-DCNQI)2Cu, Synth. Metals 27, B281 (1988).
32. S. Tomic, D. Jérome, J.R. Cooper and K. Bechgaard, Spin-Density Wave in the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2NO3: Antiferromagnetic Critical Effects and Non-Linear Transport, Synth. Metals 27, B645 (1988).
33. S. Tomic, J.R. Cooper, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, Non-Ohmic Electrical Transport in the Spin-Density Wave State of Tetramethyltetraselenafulvalinium Nitrate (TMTSF)2NO3, Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 462 (1989).
34. S. Tomic and D. Jérome, A Hidden Low-Temperature Phase in the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2ReO4, J. Physics C: Condensed Matter 1, 4451 (1989).
35. H.J. Gross, U. Langhör, J.U. von Schütz, H.P. Werner, H.C. Wolf, S. Tomic, D. Jérome, P. Erk, H. Meixner and S. Hünig, The Conductivity of Alloyed Radical Anion Salts: 2,5-disubstituted DCNQI's with Copper-Counterions, J. Phys. France 50, 2347 (1989).
36. S. Tomic and D. Jérome, A Hidden Low Temperature Phase in the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2ReO4 in "The Physics and Chemistry of Organic Superconductors", eds. G. Saito and S. Kagoshima, Springer-Verlag, p.64 (1989).
37. S. Tomic, J.R. Cooper, W. Kang and D. Jérome, Non-Ohmic Electrical Transport in the Spin-Density Wave State of Organic Conductors, in "The Physics and Chemistry of Organic Superconductors", eds. G. Saito and S. Kagoshima, Springer-Verlag, p. 111 (1989).
38. S. Tomic, J.R. Cooper, W. Kang and D. Jérome, Non-Ohmic Electrical Transport in the Spin-Density Wave State of Organic Conductors, Fizika 21, Suppl. 3, 55 (1989).
39. W. Kang, S. Tomic, J.R. Cooper and D. Jérome, Phase Transition and Non-Ohmic Electrical Transport in the Spin-Density Wave State of the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2PF6, Phys. Rev. B 41, 4862 (1990).
40. W. Kang, S. Tomic and D. Jérome, Defect-Concentration Dependence of the Spin-Density Wave Transport in the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2PF6, Phys. Rev. B 43, 1264 (1991).
41. S. Tomic, J.R. Cooper, W. Kang, D. Jérome and K. Maki, The Influence of Chemical Impurities and X-ray Induced Defects on the Single-Particle and Spin-Density Wave Conductivity in the Bechgaards Salts, J. Phys.France 1, 1603 (1991).
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42. P. Auban, V. Celebonovic, S. Tomic, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, New Results on the Phase Diagram of the (TMTSF)2FSO3 Salt, Synth. Metals 42, 2281 (1991).
43. S. Tomic, J.R. Cooper, W. Kang and D. Jérome, Non-Ohmic Electrical Transport in the Spin-Density Wave State of the Organic Conductors (TMTSF)2X, Synth. Metals 43, 4007 (1991).
44. S. Tomic, Nonlinear Electrical Transport Effects in the Spin-Density Wave State of the Organic Conductors (TMTSF)2X, in "Lower-Dimensional Systems and Molecular Electronics", eds. R.M. Metzger, P. Day and G.C. Papavassiliou, Plenum Press, NATO ASI Series, Series B: Physics Vol. 248, p. 251 (1990).
45. S. Dolanski Babic, N. Biskup, S. Tomic and D. Schweitzer, Electrical Transport in the Organic Superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2AuI2: Influence of X-ray Induced Defects on the Normal Phase and Superconducting Ground State, Phys. Rev. B 46, 11765 (1992).
46. N. Biskup, M. Basletic, S. Tomic, B. Korin-Hamzic, K. Maki, K. Bechgaard and J.M. Fabre, Magnetic-field dependence of the phase-coherence length in the spin-density-wave state of tetramethyltetraselenafulvalinium nitrate, (TMTSF)2NO3, Phys. Rev. B 47, 8289 (1993).
47. M. Basletic, N. Biskup, S. Tomic, B. Korin-Hamzic and A. Hamzic, Magnetic field influence on the low and high electric field transport in the spin-density wave state of the organic conductor (TMTSF)2NO3, Synth. Metals 56, 2593 (1993).
48. N. Biskup, S. Dolanski Babic, B. Korin-Hamzic and S. Tomic, Influence of electron-electron scattering on the electrical conductivity in organic conductors, Synth. Metals 56, 1762 (1993).
49. N. Biskup, S. Dolanski Babic, B. Korin-Hamzic and S. Tomic, Electrical transport in the organic superconductor β-(BEDT-TTF)2AuI2: influence of X-ray induced defects on the normal phase and superconducting ground state, Synth. Metals 56, 2821 (1993).
50. N. Biskup, M. Basletic, S. Tomic and K. Maki, Non-Linear Electrical Transport Effects in the Anion Induced Charge-Density Wave State of the Organic Conductors (TMTSF)2ReO4 and (TMTSF)2FSO3, Synth. Metals 56, 2611 (1993).
51. M. Basletic, N. Biskup, B. Korin-Hamzic, S. Tomic, A. Hamzic, K. Bechgaard and J.M. Fabre, Anomalous magnetoresistance in the spin density wave state of tetramethyltetraselenafulvalinium nitrate, (TMTSF)2NO3: Imperfect-nesting effects, Europhys. Lett. 22, 279 (1993).
52. S. Tomic, N. Biskup, B. Korin-Hamzic, M. Basletic, A. Hamzic, K. Maki, J.M. Fabre and K. Bechgaard, Magnetic field influence on the spin-density wave of the organic conductor (TMTSF)2NO3, J. Phys. IV France 3, C2-293 (1993).
53. M. Basletic, A. Hamzic, N. Biskup, S. Tomic, B. Korin-Hamzic, K. Maki, J.M. Fabre and K. Bechgaard, Magnetotransport effects in the spin-density wave state of the organic conductor (TMTSF)2NO3, J. Phys. IV France 3, C2-315 (1993).
54. A. Audouard, F. Goze, S. Dubois, J.P. Ulmet, L. Brossard, S. Askenazy, S. Tomic and J.M. Fabre, Slow and Fast Quantum Oscillations in the High Field Magnetoresistance of (TMTSF)2NO3: Magnetic Breakthrough Linked to SDW Gap Opening, Europhys. Lett. 25, 363 - 368 (1994).
55. S. Tomic, N. Biskup, S. Dolanski Babic and K. Maki, Commensurate Spin-Density Wave State in (TMTTF)2Br: Single Particle and Collective Charge Dynamics, Europhys. Lett. 26, 295 (1994).
56. N. Biskup, L. Balicas, S. Tomic, D. Jérome and J.M. Fabre, Slow Quantum Oscillations in the Semimetallic Spin-Density Wave State of (TMTSF)2NO3, Phys. Rev. B 50, 12721 (1994).
57. V. Ilakovac, S. Ravy, J.P. Pouget, C. Lenoir, K. Boubekeur, P. Batail, S. Dolanski-Babic, N. Biskup, B. Korin-Hamzic, S. Tomic and C. Bourbonnais, Enhanced charge localization in the organic alloys [(TMTSF)1-x(TMTTF)x]2ReO4, Phys. Rev. B 50, 7136 (1994).
58. N. Biskup, S. Tomic and D. Jérome, Spin-Density Wave State of Tetramethyltetraselenofulvalinium Hexafluorophosphate (TMTSF)2PF6: Pressure and magnetic Field Effects, Phys. Rev. B 51, 17972 (1995).
59. V. Ilakovac, S. Ravy, J.P. Pouget, C. Lenoir, P. Batail, K. Boubekeur, S. Dolanski-Babic, N. Biskup, B. Korin-Hamzic, S. Tomic and C. Bourbonnais, Enhanced Charge Localization in the Organic Alloys [(TMTSF)1-x(TMTTF)x]2ReO4, Synth. Metals 70, 753 (1995).
60. M. Basletic, B. Korin-Hamzic, A. Hamzic, S. Tomic and J.M. Fabre, Hall effect in the organic conductor (TMTSF)2NO3, Solid State Commun. 97, 333 - 337 (1996).
61. A. Omerzu, D. Mihailovic, S. Tomic and N. Biskup, Electrical Conductivity in Orientationally Disordered Systems: AC and DC measurements in Ferromagnetic Single Crystals of TDAE-C60, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 2045 (1996).
62. M. Basletic, D. Zanchi, B. Korin-Hamzic, A. Hamzic, S. Tomic and J.M. Fabre, Negative Magnetoresistance in (TMTTF)2Br, J. Phys. I France 6, 1855 - 1864 (1996).
[PDF file 607kB]
63. B. Korin-Hamzic, M. Basletic, D. Zanchi, A. Hamzic, S. Tomic and J.M. Fabre, Galvanomagnetic properties of quasi-1D organic conductors (TMTSF)2NO3 and (TMTTF)2Br, Synth. Metals 85, 1535 - 1536 (1997).
64. S. Tomic, N. Biskup and A. Omerzu, Low-Frequency Dielectric Relaxation of Spin-Density Wave in the Bechgaard Salt (TMTSF)2PF6, Synth. Metals 85, 1597 (1997).
65. S. Tomic, N. Biskup and A. Omerzu, Electrical Transport Measurements on TDAE-C60 Single Crystals, Synth. Metals 85, 1723 (1997).
66. S. Tomic, N. Biskup, M. Pinteric, J.U. von Schütz, H. Schmitt and R. Moret, Low frequency dielectric response of charge-density wave pinned by commensurability in (2,5(OCH3)2DCNQI)2Li, Europhys. Lett., 38 (3), 219 - 224 (1997).
[PDF file 408kB]
67. M. Pinteric, S. Tomic and J.U. von Schütz, Transport Properties Of Charge-density Wave In The (2,5(OCH3)2DCNQI)2Li, Proceedings of 34th international conference on microeletronics, devices and materials, MIDEM 1998, 99 - 104 (1998). [DOC file 1498kB/ZIPped 574kB]
68. P. Auban-Senzier, C. Lenoir, P. Batail, D. Jérome and S. Tomic, Charge Localization in Organic Conductors (TM)2X: the Influence of Anion Ordering, Eur. Phys. J. B 7, 529 - 532 (1999).
[PDF file 281kB]
69. M. Pinteric, M. Prester, S. Tomic, K. Maki, D. Schweitzer, I. Heinen and W. Strunz, Superconducting State in the Layered Organic Superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br, Synth. Metals 103, 1869 - 1872 (1999).
[PDF file 299kB]
70. M. Pinteric, N. Biskup, S. Tomic, D. Schweitzer, W. Strunz and I. Heinen, Collective Charge Response in the Weak Ferromagnetic Phase of κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl, Synth. Metals 103, 1937 (1999).
[PDF file 87kB]
71. M. Pinteric, N. Biskup, S. Tomic and J.U. von Schütz, Non-Ohmic Electrical Transport in the Charge-Density Wave State of (2,5(OCH3)2DCNQI)2Li, Synth. Metals 103, 2185 - 2186 (1999).
[PDF file 134kB]
72. N. Biskup, T. Vuletic, D. Herman, S. Tomic, M. Nagasawa and K. Bechgaard, Low Frequency Dielectric Response in Spin Density Wave Phase of Bechgaard Salts, Synth. Metals 103, 2052 - 2053 (1999).
[PDF file 153kB]
73. S. Tomic, P. Auban-Senzier and D. Jérome, Charge Localization in [(TMTTF)0.5(TMTSF)0.5]2ReO4: a Pressure Study, Synth. Metals 103, 2197 - 2198 (1999).
[PDF file 155kB]
74. M. Pinteric, M. Miljak, N. Biskup, O. Milat, I. Aviani, S. Tomic, D. Schweitzer, W. Strunz and , I. Heinen, Magnetic anisotropy and low-frequency dielectric response of weak ferromagnetic phase in κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl, where BEDT-TTF is Bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene, Eur. Phys. J. B 11, 217 - 225 (1999).
[PDF file 727kB]
75. M. Pinteric, N. Biskup, S. Tomic, D. Schweitzer, W. Strunz and I. Heinen, The Low-frequency Dielectric Response And Non-linear DC Electrical Transport In κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl, Proceedings of 35th international conference on microeletronics, devices and materials, MIDEM 1999, 83 - 88 (1999).
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76. S. Tomic, M. Pinteric, K. Maki, M. Prester, D. Drobac, O. Milat, D. Schweitzer, I. Heinen and W. Strunz, Out-of-plane superfluid density of a layered organic superconductor: The coherent Josephson tunneling, J. Phys. IV France 9, Pr10-301 - Pr10-303 (1999).
[DOC file 145kB/ZIPped 54kB]
77. T. Vuletic, D. Herman, N. Biskup, M. Pinteric, A. Omerzu, S. Tomic and M. Nasagawa, Single-particle and spin-density wave charge dynamics in (TMTSF)2PF6 And (TMTSF)2AsF6: A comparative overview, J. Phys. IV France 9, Pr10-275 - Pr10-277 (1999).
[DOC file 3106kB/ZIPped 247kB]
78. M. Basletic, N. Biskup, B. Korin-Hamzic, A. Hamzic and S. Tomic, Sliding Spin-density waves: studies of conduction noise, magnetic field dependence and Hall resistivity, Fizika A 8, 293 - 310 (1999).
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79. M. Pinteric, S. Tomic, M. Prester, D. Drobac, O. Milat, K. Maki, D. Schweitzer, I. Heinen and W. Strunz, Probing the order parameter of the layered organic superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br by AC susceptibility measurements, Phys. Rev. B 61, 7033 - 7038 (2000).
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80. M. Pinteric, T. Vuletic, M. Loncaric, S. Tomic and J.U. von Schutz, Low frequency dielectric spectroscopy of the Peierls-Mott insulating state in the deuterated copper-DCNQI systems, Eur. Phys. J. B 16, 487 - 493 (2000).
[PDF file 306kB]
81. S. Tomic, M. Pinteric, K. Maki, M. Prester, D. Drobac, O. Milat, D. Schweitzer, I. Heinen and W. Strunz, In-plane and out-of-plane superfluid density of a layered organic superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br, J. Phys. IV France 10, Pr3-161 - Pr3-166 (2000).
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82. S. Tomic, M. Pinteric, T. Vuletic, J.U. von Schütz and D. Schweitzer, Low-frequency dielectric spectroscopy of commenurate density waves, Synth. Metals 120, 695 - 698 (2001).
[PDF file 528kB]
83. T. Vuletic, M. Pinteric, M. Loncaric, S. Tomic and J.U. von Schütz, Non-ohmic electrical transport in the Peierls-Mott state of deuterated copper-DCNQI systems, Synth. Metals 120, 1001 - 1002 (2001).
[PDF file 234kB]
84. T. Vuletic, C. Pasquier, P. Auban-Senzier, S. Tomic, D. Jérome, K. Maki and K. Bechgaard, Influence of quantum Hall effect on linear and nonlinear conductivity in the FISDW states of the organic conductor (TMTSF)2PF6, Eur. Phys. J. B 21, 53 - 60 (2001).
[PDF file 405kB]
85. M. Pinteric, T. Vuletic, S. Tomic amd J.U. von Schütz, Complex low-frequency dielectric relaxation of the charge-density wave state in the (2,5(OCH3)2DCNQI)2Li, Eur. Phys. J. B 22, 335 - 341 (2001).
[PDF file 305kB]
86. S. Tomic, M. Pinteric, M. Prester, D. Drobac and K. Maki, Superconductivity and magnetism in organic layered superconductors, Physica C 364-365, 247 - 250 (2001).
[PDF file 158kB]
87. T. Vuletic, P. Auban-Senzier, C. Pasquier, S. Tomic, D. Jérome, M. Héritier and K. Bechgaard, Coexistence of Superconductivity and Spin Density Wave orderings in the organic superconductor (TMTSF)2PF6, Eur. Phys. J. B 25, 319-331 (2002).
[PDF file 554kB]
88. B. Gorshunov, P. Haas, T. Room, M. Dressel, T. Vuletic, B. Korin-Hamzic, S. Tomic, J. Akimitsu, T. Nagata, Charge Density Wave formation in Sr14Cu24O41, Phys. Rev. B 66, 060508(R) (2002).
[PDF file 70kB]
89. M. Pinteric, S. Tomic, M. Prester, D. Drobac and K. Maki, Influence of internal disorder on the superconducting state in the organic layered superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br, Phys. Rev. B 66, 174521 (2002).
[PDF file 198kB]
90. S. Tomic, T. Vuletic, M. Pinteric, B.Korin-Hamzic, Modalities of Self-Organized Charge Response in Low Dimensional Systems, J. Phys. IV France 12, Pr9-211 (2002).
[PDF file 694kB]
91. C. Pasquier, P. Auban-Senzier, T. Vuletic, S. Tomic, M. Héritier, D. Jérome, Coexistence of superconductivity and spin density wave orderings in Bechgaard and Fabre salts, J. Phys. IV France 12, Pr9-197 (2002).
[PDF file 942kB]
92. S. Tomic, M. Pinteric, M. Prester, D. Drobac and K. Maki, Genuine superconducting ground state in κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br: an understanding after decade of controversy, Synth. Metals 137/1-3, 1327 (2003)
[PDF file 496kB]
93. T. Vuletić, B. Korin-Hamzić, S. Tomić, B. Gorshunov, P. Haas, M. Dressel, J. Akimitsu, T. Sasaki, T. Nagata, Variable-range hopping conductivity in the copper-oxygen chains of La3Sr3Ca8Cu24O41, Phys. Rev. B 67, 184521 (2003).
[PDF file 215kB]
94. T.Vuletić, B.Korin-Hamzić, S.Tomić, B.Gorshunov, P.Haas, T.Rôôm, M.Dressel, J.Akimitsu and T.Nagata, Suppression of the charge-density wave state in Sr14Cu24O41 by calcium doping, Phys. Rev. Lett 90, 257002 (2003).
[PDF file 207kB]
95. M. Pinterić, T. Vuletić, S. Tomić, Properties of Mott-Peierls insulating phase in deuterated copper-DCNQI systems, Proceedings of 39th
international conference on microeletronics, devices and materials, MIDEM 2003, 231-236 (2003).
[PDF file 228kB]
96. M. Pinterić, T. Vuletić, M. Lončarić, K. Petukhov, B. Gorshunov, J. U. von Schütz, S. Tomić and M. Dressel, Mott–Peierls phase in deuterated copper-DCNQI systems: a comprehensive study of longitudinal and transverse conductivity and ageing effects, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, 7351-7364 (2003).
[PDF file 351kB]
97. M. Pinterić, S. Tomić and K. Maki, The superconducting order parameter in the organic layered superconductor
k-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br, J. Phys. IV France 114, 245 (2004).
[PDF file 316kB]
98. M. Pinterić, S. Tomić and K. Maki, Gossamer superconductivity in k-(BEDT-TTF)2X?, Physica C 408-410, 75 (2004).
[PDF file 380kB]
99. T.Vuletić, T. Ivek, B.Korin-Hamzić, S.Tomić, B.Gorshunov, P.Haas, M.Dressel, J.Akimitsu, T. Sasaki and T.Nagata, Anisotropic Charge Modulation in the Ladder Planes of Sr14-xCaxCu24O41 by calcium doping, Phys. Rev. B 71, 012508 (2005). [PDF file 340kB]
100. P. Zornoza, K. Petukhov, M. Dressel, N. Biskup, T. Vuletic, and S. Tomic, Anisotropy and field-dependence of the spin-density-wave dynamics in the quasi one-dimensional conductor (TMTSF)2PF6, Eur. Phys. J. B 46, 223-230 (2005).
[PDF file 401kB]
101. T.Vuletić, T. Ivek, B.Korin-Hamzić, S.Tomić, B.Gorshunov, M.Dressel, C.Hess, B.Büchner and J.Akimitsu, Phase diagrams of (La,Y,Sr,Ca)14Cu24O41: switching between the ladders and the chains, J. Phys. IV France 131, 299-305 (2005). [PDF file 144kB]
102. T.Vuletić, T. Ivek, B.Korin-Hamzić, S.Tomić, B.Gorshunov, M.Dressel and J.Akimitsu, The Spin-Ladder and Spin-Chain System (La,Y,Sr,Ca)14Cu24O41: Electronic Phases, Charge and Spin Dynamics, Phys. Rep. 428, 169-258 (2006) [PDF file 2.6MB]
Article(s) accepted for publication
S. Tomić, T.Vuletić, S. Dolanski Babić, S. Krča, D. Ivanković, L. Griparić, R. Podgornik, Screening and fundamental length scales in semidilute Na-DNA aqueous solutions, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett, September 2006.
Article(s) in preparation
S. Tomić, S. Dolanski Babić, T.Vuletić, S. Krča, D. Ivanković, L. Griparić, R. Podgornik , Dielectric relaxation of DNA aqueous solutions, cond-mat/0602255
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Silvia Tomic CV: "Silvia Tomic CV
[Silvia Tomic]
Institute of Physics
Bijenicka 46
P O Box 304
HR-10000 Zagreb
TEL: +385 1 4698 820
FAX: +385 1 4698 889
Curriculum vitae
Personal data
* born Jan 22, 1953, Zagreb, Croatia
* BS 1977, Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* MS 1981, Physics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* PhD (Doctorat d'état) 1986, Physics, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1977-1981: Research Assistent, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1981-1986: Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1987: Postdoctoral position (Chercheur Associé au CNRS), Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1986-1991: Assistant Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1989-1991: Project Leader 'Synthetic Metals and Superconductors', Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1999: Associate Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1996: Project Leader, 'Novel Anisotropic Organic Conductors and Superconductors', Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1996-2003: Project Leader, 'Novel electronic states in molecular conductors', Institute o"
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Physical Science Formulas Perfect Science Ayterion
Perfect Science Symposium
Speech Prepared for
World Water Day
Beijing, China
March 18-22, 1996
Ladies and gentlemen and esteemed colleagues of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, it is the very great pleasure of Perfect Science of Istanbul, Turkey to present to this historic gathering comprehensive solutions to the water and sanitation crises presently confronting all industrialized and developing countries. Perfect Science has developed the Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program for the express purpose of assisting all sovereign nations and their peoples in the task of stabilizing the collapsing ecosystems of Planet Earth in accordance with United Nations resolution 44/228. The complete Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program will be unveiled at the upcoming United Nations Habitat 11 Summit in Istanbul.
Perfect Science has developed, in conjunction with the Turkish Government, unique methodologies which permit for the immediate purification of all global drinking wate"
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Physical Science Formulas Perfect Science Ayterion
Perfect Science Symposium
Speech Prepared for
World Water Day
Beijing, China
March 18-22, 1996
Ladies and gentlemen and esteemed colleagues of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, it is the very great pleasure of Perfect Science of Istanbul, Turkey to present to this historic gathering comprehensive solutions to the water and sanitation crises presently confronting all industrialized and developing countries. Perfect Science has developed the Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program for the express purpose of assisting all sovereign nations and their peoples in the task of stabilizing the collapsing ecosystems of Planet Earth in accordance with United Nations resolution 44/228. The complete Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program will be unveiled at the upcoming United Nations Habitat 11 Summit in Istanbul.
Perfect Science has developed, in conjunction with the Turkish Government, unique methodologies which permit for the immediate purification of all global drinking water supplies presently degraded by toxic industrial waste streams and human waste water streams. The Perfect Science purification methodologies will permit all sovereign nations to concurrently initiate complete restoration of all contaminated aquifers and fresh water reservoirs within their sovereign territories. The scientific technique behind this wondrous accomplishment will be fully revealed to all world governments and their scientists at Habitat 11 in Istanbul.
The challenge today is for this august body to move from the paradigm of poison to the paradigm of purification. The paradigm of poison has been the pathway to this critical World Water Conference. Fresh water supplies, once bountiful are increasingly degraded by industrial poisons and human wastes. The paradigm of poison is premised on the persistence of these industrial and human wastes in the drinking water supplies.
Within the paradigm of poison, the compounded effect of increased global industrialization and population growth will easily generate enough persistent toxins to effectively create a global drinking water catastrophe. The global water catastrophe will be the direct result of an exponential increase of persistent toxic industrial and human wastes impacting upon the fresh water supplies throughout the world. The obvious conclusion within the paradigm of poison is eventual collapse as stated in U.N. resolution 44/228.
Perfect Science is therefore most honored to present to this World Water Conference the paradigm of purification. Within this new paradigm of purification there is no water crisis. There is merely the challenge of implementing the solution. Within this new paradigm of purification, there is no fear of degraded fresh water supplies. Utilizing the Perfect Science purification methodologies, persistent and toxic industrial and human wastes can now be easily destroyed, creating vast resources of readily available fresh drinking water across the globe. Utilizing the Perfect Science purification methodologies, industrial waste streams and urban sewage can now be completely neutralized before their discharge into the environment. This revolutionary process of neutralization will prevent recurrent degradation of purified drinking water supplies. Within the paradigm of purification there will be plentiful resources of fresh drinking water supplies of the 21st century. Perfect Science grants that, as stated in the aide memoir, the greatest challenge confronting the human family is the management of increasingly threatened water resources. Yet Perfect Science is here today to underscore the elimination of this threat. Perfect Science is making available to all nations cost-effective water purification methodologies that until now almost seemed impossible to consider. It is now within the grasp of all nations and their peoples to restore the ecological balance of planet Earth, swiftly and completely.
It is utmost importance for all attending this conference to know that the Perfect Science Environmental Purification Technologies have the capacity to not only purify all global drinking water supplies, but at the same time, these purification methodologies can be applied for restoration of polluted surface waters, polluted global soils and polluted global atmospheres. Destruction of toxins in surface waters will restore aquatic food chains across the globe. Destruction of toxins in polluted soils will restore agriculture bounty across the globe. As will be fully revealed, in Istanbul, at Habitat 11, Perfect Science has truly developed a comprehensive global program for stabilization of collapsing ecosystems.
Perfect Science is presently poised to assist all sovereign nations in developing the ways and means of removing industrial toxins from polluted drinking water supplies, surface waters, soils and atmospheres. This historic capability will transform the negative economic and social trends stemming from the present global toxicity crisis. The Perfect Science Environmental Purification Technologies now permit,for the first time in global industrial history, the development of such positive economic and social trends that the course of present human development will be changed forever. Perfect Science is here to inform all participants that all planetary ecosystems can be repaired without compromising continued industrial development. The Perfect Science Worldwide Environmental Purification Program reconciles the simultaneous demand of sustainable development with increasing industrial growth throughout developing nations.
Let us make a covenant, today, to bury the paradigm of pollution and poison, and, in unison, give birth to the new and exciting paradigm of purification, where the human condition is freed once and for all from the threat of global ecocide.
Send mail to lorri@ad-ps.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1999 Perfect Science
Last modified: August 7, 1999
Perfect Science Symposium: "Speech Prepared for
World Water Day
Beijing, China
March 18-22, 1996
Ladies and gentlemen and esteemed colleagues of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, it is the very great pleasure of Perfect Science of Istanbul, Turkey to present to this historic gathering comprehensive solutions to the water and sanitation crises presently confronting all industrialized and developing countries. Perfect Science has developed the Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program for the express purpose of assisting all sovereign nations and their peoples in the task of stabilizing the collapsing ecosystems of Planet Earth in accordance with United Nations resolution 44/228. The complete Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program will be unveiled at the upcoming United Nations Habitat 11 Summit in Istanbul.
Perfect Science has developed, in conjunction with the Turkish Government, unique methodologies which permit for the immediate purification of all global drinking water supplies presently degraded by toxic industrial waste streams and human waste water streams. The Perfect Science purification methodologies will permit all sovereign nations to concurrently initiate complete restoration of all contaminated aquifers and fresh water reservoirs within their sovereign territories. The scientific technique behind this wondrous accomplishment will be fully revealed to all world governments and their scientists at Habitat 11 in"
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "Testimonials
July, 2001
Dear Ayhan, Terry,
I just wanted to write to you and thank you again for your help. I was
diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma back in January of this yr. I wrote to you
about the water you have and you sent it to me for shipping only cost. I want
to thank you again that was in Feb. I drank the water several times a day
they way you told me to . I started chemo in March and since my sister works
with an MRI machine we kept tabs on the tumor it was gone by my second 1/2 of
my first chemo treatment. My Dr. said she had never seen a tumor go away so
quickly. I did 3 more sessions of chemo after that and then she did a pet
scan and said the cancer was gone. So I quit the chemo. She wanted me to do 3
more treatments (according to the American cancer society) that is how many
you are supposed to have. But since chemo is so destructive to the body I
decided to stop once they told me the cancer was gone according to the pet
scan. I just want to thank you for the part the water played in my healing I
am sure it sped up the healing process and let you know I am now cancer free
and back to work. (as of June 21,2001) .....(I wasn't supposed to be back to
work until August.) ... . thank you so much for your help in my time of
need.... Love, Kim
Please Contact us at:
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "Hi Suzy,
Subject: 'miracle water' controversy
We are interested in anything said about Perfect Science.
Thanks and we have already forwarded this to Perfect Science. Please note that this message is dated May 9,2000...any idea who sent this? Or any truth behind this or is it one of many disinformation campaigns against Perfect Science? I hope you already know about one of the great projects of Perfect Science and Full -Circle Int Sarasota , Florida about being the body into wellness and balanceing the AIDS Virus. Last month against all the odds, they opened a clinic in Haiti with the help of President of Haiti against AIDS! Apparently situation is worse than what people know... about 80% of the population has AIDS and there is no help from any country. Everybody is afraid of even just going to Haiti. And last month Perfect Science has just opened a clinic specifically curing AIDS! There is a plan by the President of Haiti to create swimming pools filled with Perfect Science waters so they can do Mass Healings in thousands! When everybody is afraid, Perfect Science has already opened a clinic in Haiti against all odds. Our dear Suzy, please also check these facts before you send any claims made by somebody who was working for US military for what agenda.
Also, please check with World Water Solutions about their healing stories of hundreds of people documented and also tested by Aquatron in past few years.
Thanks and best regards,
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "Testimonials
Conference In Croatia
Dear Renata & Silvia,
Many thanks for providing such a perfect weekend experience, you did a
great service to us all and the work of Perfect Science. I'm sorry we did
not all have a group hug before departing but it is in my heart anyway.
Please pass on my thanks to Melita and Zoran and my hostess whose name I failed to register! she, along with all of you gave unconditional love, I am deeply moved and hope, one day, to be able to reciprocate in England.
Terry is brilliant and I got her message in a much clearer way. It
impressed on me the importance of understanding Perfect Science FORMULA'S instead of 'super ionized' water. It makes much more sense to think in terms of frequency and superconductivity.
Please also thank the sponsors with the water, it was lovely and I am
inspired to get a similar machine.
I loved Croatia and Zagreb, it was refreshing to see a community that
seemed relaxed and happy with much less materialism than we have here,
the marketplace is unlike any I have seen before, just beautiful produce &
flowers. How lucky you are to have a tram system, our towns and cities are chocked with cars, all our old tram systems were taken out many years ago.
I feel quite sad coming back to my old realities but I'm sure I will shift
some energies soon and start to"
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "11/2001
I was asked to reply your questions. My name is Anita Behrns, and I do live in Norway. I do work with Perfect Science formulas for about 1 1/2 years now.
First I do want to clear some things which are important to know. All Perfect Science 'drinking -formulas' are made in USA. The inventor of this medical / drinking formulas is Mrs. Terry Welch from USA. Mr. Ayhan Doyuk is the inventor of all our environmental cleaning formulas and household products.
At this moment there are people working with our medical formulas in many different countries. The results for treating cancer patients are very, very lovely ones All the different formulas you can order directly from the Perfect Science web-site www.royalkadin.com . You will also find lot of information's about the different formulas.
If you need more explanations, so please just tell me, and I will help you as much as I can.
There are a few cancer studies made yet, and I know you can find some material about a melanoma-case study from Australia on the homepage for www.perfectsciencewater.com Otherwise there are a lot if reports coming inn from all our people working with the formulas. Explanations from Physics Researcher of Institute of Physics' in Zagreb / Croatia / Mrs. Silvia Tomic PhD , you can also find on this web-page.
As I told , there are a lot of wonderful "
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
I was asked to reply your questions. My name is Anita Behrns, and I do live in Norway. I do work with Perfect Science formulas for about 1 1/2 years now.
First I do want to clear some things which are important to know. All Perfect Science "drinking -formulas" are made in USA. The inventor of this medical / drinking formulas is Mrs. Terry Welch from USA. Mr. Ayhan Doyuk is the inventor of all our environmental cleaning formulas and household products.
At this moment there are people working with our medical formulas in many different countries. The results for treating cancer patients are very, very lovely ones All the different formulas you can order directly from the Perfect Science web-site www.royalkadin.com . You will also find lot of information's about the different formulas.
If you need more explanations, so please just tell me, and I will help you as much as I can.
There are a few cancer studies made yet, and I know you can find some material about a melanoma-case study from Australia on the homepage for www.perfectsciencewater.com Otherwise there are a lot if reports coming inn from all our people working with the formulas. Explanations from Physics Researcher of Institute of Physics' in Zagreb / Croatia / Mrs. Silvia Tomic PhD , you can also find on this web-page.
As I told , there are a lot of wonderful reports from all over, but not all published yet. I got one of this wonderful ( not yet reported ) cancer treatment results myself.
My mother in law is 83 years old. Last year in March she finally got the diagnosis lung cancer after she got ill some weeks before. Doctors first thought she had got asthma or a had caught a virus after her vacation in Spain. She had several tumors and first they did not know if they were able to give her some treatment at all. I knew there was fantastic results by using Perfect Science formulas, and I decided to start her treatment immediately, without even asking the doctors. They would not have given me permission at all if they had known what I was going to treat her for her cancer disease.
Usually I to test people with Prognos or Itronic before I do recommend one special formula. In this case I had no chance to do so, she was at the hospital and I had no chance to test her there. The doctors would have thrown me out if I had come there with my testing device. So I decided to put her on the lightest formula until I was able to test her. I blended the formula down to drinking blending and I also took with me natural spring water which she was supposed to drink immediately after drinking the formula. I left her several liters drinking formulas and spring water at the hospital and I supplied her all the time while she was there. After drinking formulas only a few times she was able to feel that her breath suddenly was much easier, and she told the doctors. They seemed to get some interest and I left them some information.
When they saw this was some kind of " alternative" therapy, they were not interested any more. After some times they decided to give her chemo therapy. She got one of this cures, and then she had to come back to have a new check. ( During all this time she was drinking formulas. ) The doctors got shocked when she came back for a new check. According to their own words they had never ever experienced something like that before. All tumors had shrunked a lot. They had never seen something like that before. The doctors told themselves they were not sure about if this was from the formulas I had given her, or if this was from their chemo therapy. ( I know very well what made this happen !!!) They decided to give her one more chemo therapy, ( she was drinking a lot of formulas during all the time ) and when she came back to the second check, there was no more sign of any cancer, all was gone, this was in July last year. . (The formulas also helped her to keep down all the bad side effects from chemo therapy. She recovered much faster than people usually do after such treatments.) Since then she is well and there is no more cancer at all to find.
This is a wonderful and true story.
If you think our doctores got interested to hear more about the formulas then, I am sorry to tell you - they were not. Up here all that counts for the doctors is their traditional school medicine, and nothing else. They will have to wake up in times to come, just now they are not ready for that.
One of our therapists told me short time ago about her girlfriend who has got cancer. She does supply her now with formulas in the hospital, and the doctors have been surprised about the positive changes in her blood. It is all done by the formulas.
As for us up here it is not easy to do studies as long as the doctors do not want to join us - work against us. Usually we are not allowed to trat cancer patients, its only doctors domene. If we meet someone with this problems we do have to call it something else. Like, "cleaning the body, or increasing well ware in the body.
I am born in Austria, so I know things like that are a little bit easier in Germany and Austria than they are up here in the high north. There are many doctors working with complementary treatment in Germany / Austria, so I guess it would be much easier for you to make studies like that at your place. You are also president in this cancer group and you have a lot of people who could join this study.
There are some excellent gels ( including formulas ) which are used as supplement to the formulas in cancer therapy.
I do not know if you have heard about Prognos or Itronic yet. This are testing devices based on traditional Chinese acupuncture theory, they show you even the slightest changes that do happen in the body. ( A more modern and easier to learn - diagnose-and therapy control device / than EDV). A lot of doctors and dentists in Europe do use this devices.
I do hope I have been able to answer most of your questions. If you have some more, please do contact me and I will try do do my best and answer you.
We will have a Perfect Science Conference later this year in Zagreb, and you could join us there if you want to. Also in Zagreb there are doctors using formulas and doing treatment with formulas on cancer patients.
Here some links where you can find more information about the different products / formulas / gels.
With best regards
Anita Behrns
Ayterion Inc / Using the Perfect Science System Inc.
For real science and research
WWW.Perfectsciencewater.com WWW.Perfectscience.com
WWW.RoyalKadin.com/ Our store
The Perfect Science System Inc.
Please Contact us at:
Ayterion Agua Ad- Perfect Science System. Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Copyright © 2001 Ayterion Agua - Perfect Science System ., Inc. All rights reserved.
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "11/2001
I was asked to reply your questions. My name is Anita Behrns, and I do live in Norway. I do work with Perfect Science formulas for about 1 1/2 years now.
First I do want to clear some things which are important to know. All Perfect Science 'drinking -formulas' are made in USA. The inventor of this medical / drinking formulas is Mrs. Terry Welch from USA. Mr. Ayhan Doyuk is the inventor of all our environmental cleaning formulas and household products.
At this moment there are people working with our medical formulas in many different countries. The results for treating cancer patients are very, very lovely ones All the different formulas you can order directly from the Perfect Science web-site www.royalkadin.com . You will also find lot of information's about the different formulas.
If you need more explanations, so please just tell me, and I will help you as much as I can.
There are a few cancer studies made yet, and I know you can find some material about a melanoma-case study from Australia on the homepage for www.perfectsciencewater.com Otherwise there are a lot if reports coming inn from all our people working with the formulas. Explanations from Physics Researcher of Institute of Physics' in Zagreb / Croatia / Mrs. Silvia Tomic PhD , you can also find on this web-page.
As I told , there are a lot of wonderful "
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "11/2001
I was asked to reply your questions. My name is Anita Behrns, and I do live in Norway. I do work with Perfect Science formulas for about 1 1/2 years now.
First I do want to clear some things which are important to know. All Perfect Science 'drinking -formulas' are made in USA. The inventor of this medical / drinking formulas is Mrs. Terry Welch from USA. Mr. Ayhan Doyuk is the inventor of all our environmental cleaning formulas and household products.
At this moment there are people working with our medical formulas in many different countries. The results for treating cancer patients are very, very lovely ones All the different formulas you can order directly from the Perfect Science web-site www.royalkadin.com . You will also find lot of information's about the different formulas.
If you need more explanations, so please just tell me, and I will help you as much as I can.
There are a few cancer studies made yet, and I know you can find some material about a melanoma-case study from Australia on the homepage for www.perfectsciencewater.com Otherwise there are a lot if reports coming inn from all our people working with the formulas. Explanations from Physics Researcher of Institute of Physics' in Zagreb / Croatia / Mrs. Silvia Tomic PhD , you can also find on this web-page.
As I told , there are a lot of wonderful "
I was asked to reply your questions. My name is Anita Behrns, and I do live in Norway. I do work with Perfect Science formulas for about 1 1/2 years now.
First I do want to clear some things which are important to know. All Perfect Science "drinking -formulas" are made in USA. The inventor of this medical / drinking formulas is Mrs. Terry Welch from USA. Mr. Ayhan Doyuk is the inventor of all our environmental cleaning formulas and household products.
At this moment there are people working with our medical formulas in many different countries. The results for treating cancer patients are very, very lovely ones All the different formulas you can order directly from the Perfect Science web-site www.royalkadin.com . You will also find lot of information's about the different formulas.
If you need more explanations, so please just tell me, and I will help you as much as I can.
There are a few cancer studies made yet, and I know you can find some material about a melanoma-case study from Australia on the homepage for www.perfectsciencewater.com Otherwise there are a lot if reports coming inn from all our people working with the formulas. Explanations from Physics Researcher of Institute of Physics' in Zagreb / Croatia / Mrs. Silvia Tomic PhD , you can also find on this web-page.
As I told , there are a lot of wonderful reports from all over, but not all published yet. I got one of this wonderful ( not yet reported ) cancer treatment results myself.
My mother in law is 83 years old. Last year in March she finally got the diagnosis lung cancer after she got ill some weeks before. Doctors first thought she had got asthma or a had caught a virus after her vacation in Spain. She had several tumors and first they did not know if they were able to give her some treatment at all. I knew there was fantastic results by using Perfect Science formulas, and I decided to start her treatment immediately, without even asking the doctors. They would not have given me permission at all if they had known what I was going to treat her for her cancer disease.
Usually I to test people with Prognos or Itronic before I do recommend one special formula. In this case I had no chance to do so, she was at the hospital and I had no chance to test her there. The doctors would have thrown me out if I had come there with my testing device. So I decided to put her on the lightest formula until I was able to test her. I blended the formula down to drinking blending and I also took with me natural spring water which she was supposed to drink immediately after drinking the formula. I left her several liters drinking formulas and spring water at the hospital and I supplied her all the time while she was there. After drinking formulas only a few times she was able to feel that her breath suddenly was much easier, and she told the doctors. They seemed to get some interest and I left them some information.
When they saw this was some kind of " alternative" therapy, they were not interested any more. After some times they decided to give her chemo therapy. She got one of this cures, and then she had to come back to have a new check. ( During all this time she was drinking formulas. ) The doctors got shocked when she came back for a new check. According to their own words they had never ever experienced something like that before. All tumors had shrunked a lot. They had never seen something like that before. The doctors told themselves they were not sure about if this was from the formulas I had given her, or if this was from their chemo therapy. ( I know very well what made this happen !!!) They decided to give her one more chemo therapy, ( she was drinking a lot of formulas during all the time ) and when she came back to the second check, there was no more sign of any cancer, all was gone, this was in July last year. . (The formulas also helped her to keep down all the bad side effects from chemo therapy. She recovered much faster than people usually do after such treatments.) Since then she is well and there is no more cancer at all to find.
This is a wonderful and true story.
If you think our doctores got interested to hear more about the formulas then, I am sorry to tell you - they were not. Up here all that counts for the doctors is their traditional school medicine, and nothing else. They will have to wake up in times to come, just now they are not ready for that.
One of our therapists told me short time ago about her girlfriend who has got cancer. She does supply her now with formulas in the hospital, and the doctors have been surprised about the positive changes in her blood. It is all done by the formulas.
As for us up here it is not easy to do studies as long as the doctors do not want to join us - work against us. Usually we are not allowed to trat cancer patients, its only doctors domene. If we meet someone with this problems we do have to call it something else. Like, "cleaning the body, or increasing well ware in the body.
I am born in Austria, so I know things like that are a little bit easier in Germany and Austria than they are up here in the high north. There are many doctors working with complementary treatment in Germany / Austria, so I guess it would be much easier for you to make studies like that at your place. You are also president in this cancer group and you have a lot of people who could join this study.
There are some excellent gels ( including formulas ) which are used as supplement to the formulas in cancer therapy.
I do not know if you have heard about Prognos or Itronic yet. This are testing devices based on traditional Chinese acupuncture theory, they show you even the slightest changes that do happen in the body. ( A more modern and easier to learn - diagnose-and therapy control device / than EDV). A lot of doctors and dentists in Europe do use this devices.
I do hope I have been able to answer most of your questions. If you have some more, please do contact me and I will try do do my best and answer you.
We will have a Perfect Science Conference later this year in Zagreb, and you could join us there if you want to. Also in Zagreb there are doctors using formulas and doing treatment with formulas on cancer patients.
Here some links where you can find more information about the different products / formulas / gels.
With best regards
Anita Behrns
Ayterion Inc / Using the Perfect Science System Inc.
For real science and research
WWW.Perfectsciencewater.com WWW.Perfectscience.com
WWW.RoyalKadin.com/ Our store
The Perfect Science System Inc.
Please Contact us at:
Ayterion Agua Ad- Perfect Science System. Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Copyright © 2001 Ayterion Agua - Perfect Science System ., Inc. All rights reserved.
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "11/2001
I was asked to reply your questions. My name is Anita Behrns, and I do live in Norway. I do work with Perfect Science formulas for about 1 1/2 years now.
First I do want to clear some things which are important to know. All Perfect Science 'drinking -formulas' are made in USA. The inventor of this medical / drinking formulas is Mrs. Terry Welch from USA. Mr. Ayhan Doyuk is the inventor of all our environmental cleaning formulas and household products.
At this moment there are people working with our medical formulas in many different countries. The results for treating cancer patients are very, very lovely ones All the different formulas you can order directly from the Perfect Science web-site www.royalkadin.com . You will also find lot of information's about the different formulas.
If you need more explanations, so please just tell me, and I will help you as much as I can.
There are a few cancer studies made yet, and I know you can find some material about a melanoma-case study from Australia on the homepage for www.perfectsciencewater.com Otherwise there are a lot if reports coming inn from all our people working with the formulas. Explanations from Physics Researcher of Institute of Physics' in Zagreb / Croatia / Mrs. Silvia Tomic PhD , you can also find on this web-page.
As I told , there are a lot of wonderful "
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar
Royal Kadin Beauty Bar: "-----
October 4, 2002
Fermi National Laboratory
Dr. Arlene Lennox
P O Box 500 Mail Stop 301
Batavia, Il 60510
Dear Dr. Arlene Lennox,
The Perfect Science Research and Development Company have an energetic enhancing formula that has been proven in balancing and raising the levels of energy in the body that lead to a state of wellness.
We ask your kind assistance in a joint venture to collect patients to test this technology or do laboratory tests on blood samples.
We are proposing this project at this present time because as you are aware we are in a catastrophic event because of the environmental impact on our planet, human and animals. The West Nile Virus is in siege and time cannot be wasted to stop the progress of its attempts.
We believe do to the fact that mounts in the Southern Illinois, over the cave systems near the Ohio River and the shift in our planet a contamination has lead to this disastrous event.
You can contact Dr. Silvia Tomic who works in joint venture with Perfect Science and can verify the evaluation of our formulas according to standardization that has been done at the Institute of Physics; Zagreb, Croatia. www.ifs.hr/real_science/silvia.html; office 3851-46 98 820; fax 3851-46 98 889; CV can be obtained off of website.
Under public health condition, assessments can be done under “ burden of proof” "
Perfect Science A.D.- Royal Kadin
Perfect Science A.D.- Royal Kadin: "There will be an additional charge for shipping outside the continental USA. All Sales are final.
Environmental Household Kit
Royal Flush A.D.™ Environmental Household Kit - Cleans Hands, Body, Rugs, Windows, Dishes, Toilets and Bathrooms and Universal Cleaner all types of surface dirt and oily buildup easily with just the swipe of a clean cloth. Leaves surfaces sparkling clean. The kit contains 7 products, which last over a year with regular cleaning.
The Kit includes 7 products : Pink liquid hand soap 16 oz pump plus a refill 1 liter , Dish Washing Liquid concentrate, All purpose Cleaner 1 liter concentrate, Rug Cleaner 16 oz. concentrate, Carpet Cleaner for Machine 16oz concentrate, Toilet and Bathroom Cleaner 16 oz concentrate, Window Cleaner 1 liter, and Video of demonstrations by Mr. Ayhan Doyuk. Regular price $190.00
Perfect Science Video 'The Environmental Connection to a Pristine Planet'. Mr. Ayhan Doyuk demonstrate these formulas. This video will show you the concept behind the products in this household kit!
Ayterion Agua Ad- Perfect Science System. Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Copyright © 2005 Ayterion Agua - Perfect Science System ., Inc. All rights reserved."
www.perfectscience.com RoyalKadin Official Store!
www.perfectscience.com RoyalKadin Official Store!: "There will be an additional charge for shipping outside the continental USA. All Sales are final.
Perfect Science Internal Water Formulas
Special Offer!
All those that we know, who followed the protocol prescribed and did not give up, have experienced the most beneficial results. What people usually prefer is to get rid of the symptoms and have pain relief. These formulas work on the cause and therefore the way how one experience them and how they work is first certainly different than a standard remedy and second cannot be the same for all people.
When the body is in balance it will heal itself.
The Ayterion Aqua™ Perfect Science system considers the cleansing of the human bodies, as well as the local and global environment in which we live, to be essential in the realization of the new world of free energy. Perfect Science products are for Human and Animals.
Perfect Science products are made with the proprietary formula and ingredients called the Ayterion Aqua ™ ( which is named after some of the originators Andrew, Terry, Randal and Ayhan ) and mixed only with the best spring water. We consider these formulas to be the best aligned to the Planet and the living beings. This consideration is also supported by the pool of data obtained by Aquatron device by which patients are tested for the different medicaments available.
www.perfectscience.com RoyalKadin Official Store!
There will be an additional charge for shipping outside the continental USA. All Sales are final.
Perfect Science Internal Water Formulas
Special Offer!
All those that we know, who followed the protocol prescribed and did not give up, have experienced the most beneficial results. What people usually prefer is to get rid of the symptoms and have pain relief. These formulas work on the cause and therefore the way how one experience them and how they work is first certainly different than a standard remedy and second cannot be the same for all people.
When the body is in balance it will heal itself.
The Ayterion Aqua™ Perfect Science system considers the cleansing of the human bodies, as well as the local and global environment in which we live, to be essential in the realization of the new world of free energy. Perfect Science products are for Human and Animals.
Perfect Science products are made with the proprietary formula and ingredients called the Ayterion Aqua ™ ( which is named after some of the originators Andrew, Terry, Randal and Ayhan ) and mixed only with the best spring water. We consider these formulas to be the best aligned to the Planet and the living beings. This consideration is also supported by the pool of data obtained by Aquatron device by which patients are tested for the different medicaments available.
The Founders of Perfect Science
Water on a daily basis is the most important issue in natural healthcare in The Perfect Science System, it is important for the reader of this section to understand the complete breadth of this approach in order to gain maximum benefit. Drinking Water every day sets the stage for the immune system and all other systems of the body to fight against disease and maintain the highest quality of physical, mental and emotional health. There are some researchers who point out that energetic input from living water is just as important as tangible nutrients and important natural supplements like aloe vera. Although still in the theoretical research, there is information being established that for normal chemical pathways to occur in the body, the cells also need the energy input from water.
The Ayterion Aqua™ - Perfect Science System is designed for wellness and abets in the balance of most conditions of health for humans and animals. The energetic supplements from Ayterion Aqua - Perfect Science System assist in cleansing, detoxifying, energizing and balancing the body. When the body is in balance it will heal itself. Many people have benefited from drinking the Perfect Science water formulas right after waking up and right before going to sleep – which is based on many different unsolicited testimonials for doctors and the general public from around the world.
It is recommended to use the all of the Perfect Science products together, as the products will work synergistically to detoxify and protect you. The Perfect Science System is not a one-time healing modality. It takes a commitment from you to use the products on an ongoing basis to achieve the level of health that you want. We live in a polluted world, and only by an ongoing effort to cleanse and protect ourselves, can we expect to maintain a healthy, youthful, energetic glow.
All of the Ayterion Aqua Perfect Science System products, when used together, produce a synergistic process to promote wellness.
Perfect Science formulas contain naturally occurring saponins. Currently, through research science has brought forth the understanding of certain health benefits for the human body from phytochemical called a saponins. These health benefits include prevention of cancer, immunological support, effective cholesterol lowering agent, and anti-oxidant properties. There is continuing research to expand the scientific findings on the health benefits of saponins. As we derive health support from a natural plant compounds called a saponins, there is research being conduct on the ways saponins affect the health of plants. Saponins are one of the main elements or “trigger” that support some plant life in being healthy, and receiving and utilizing its nutritional needs.
It is only the modern science that recognized the Reality as the web of self-consistent interactions in multi-dimensional space-time in which time and interactions are generically non-linear. This means that the reality we live is what we have created, and that we as humans (and that is valid for all entities that exist in the universe) are the result of mutual interactions. Thusly, to change the world in which we live we have to first cleanse our physical and energy bodies, in order that we will be able to help in cleaning the Planet and all what exist on it and was created during long painful history of the human fall, and align it with the New world.
Please, keep in mind that your own experience would be the most important to spread these formulas also among other people.
Perfect Science AD, Perfect Science System. Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Copyright ©1997- 2005 Ayterion Aqua - Perfect Science System ., Inc. All rights reserved.
www.perfectscience.com RoyalKadin Official Store!: "There will be an additional charge for shipping outside the continental USA. All Sales are final.
Perfect Science Internal Water Formulas
Special Offer!
All those that we know, who followed the protocol prescribed and did not give up, have experienced the most beneficial results. What people usually prefer is to get rid of the symptoms and have pain relief. These formulas work on the cause and therefore the way how one experience them and how they work is first certainly different than a standard remedy and second cannot be the same for all people.
When the body is in balance it will heal itself.
The Ayterion Aqua™ Perfect Science system considers the cleansing of the human bodies, as well as the local and global environment in which we live, to be essential in the realization of the new world of free energy. Perfect Science products are for Human and Animals.
Perfect Science products are made with the proprietary formula and ingredients called the Ayterion Aqua ™ ( which is named after some of the originators Andrew, Terry, Randal and Ayhan ) and mixed only with the best spring water. We consider these formulas to be the best aligned to the Planet and the living beings. This consideration is also supported by the pool of data obtained by Aquatron device by which patients are tested for the different medicaments available.
www.perfectscience.com RoyalKadin Official Store!
www.perfectscience.com RoyalKadin Official Store!
Hold Anti-Union Employers Accountable
Hold Anti-Union Employers Accountable
Copyrights Perfect Science , Perfect Science AD WWW.PerfectScience.com
YELLOW (Basic) - good for cuts, scraps, healing of wounds. Has drawing purpose. No essential oils.
GREEN - contains essential oils that have been documented to aid joints and connective tissue. Excellent for massage therapists.
BLUE - contains essential oils documented to aid with lymphatic function and cellulite.
LIGHT BLUE - contains essential oils that have been documented to aid as antifungal and tissue regenerator.
The best way to know the gels is to work with them yourself. Your own experience wll give you the best guide. Let the formulas work and they will show you the results.
Moisturizer - 4 oz. jar. $25.00 - will allow through the Ayterion Agua™ ingredient the dew needed to obtain a vibrant complexion. The moisturizer cream is used for the delicate tissue of the face, as a base that will add to a glowing expression. Moisturizing to be used alone or under make up.
The moisturizer will give special attention to the whole BODY TO MOISTURIZE; and, combined with the Royal Kadin aloe gel, to tone AND REFRESH the skin.
To order single videocassette, Perfect Science The Environmental Connection to a Pristine Planet - $12.00
Accelerate the Perfect Science system, using the Ayterion Agua foot bath. The technologies of the along with the Ayterion Agua system will balance and create a changed blueprint in the energy of the body. Balance in the body enables the body to function with a youthful effect creating a state of wellness.
Foot Bath Has Two Formulas (No other formulas should be used with the foot baths) 48 hours minimum between foot baths. :
Vital Clearing (1 oz.) - $20.00 - Pour into glass and add 8 oz. of spring water to drink before feet go into the water.
Foot Bath (1/2 oz.) - $5.00 -Pour Foot Bath Solution into foot bath water.
NEW! Protect Vial. $20.00 - Protect yourself from EMF waves from power lines, your television, computer, etc. Small vial fits in pocket, or inside your bra.
Royal Kadin Moist Day Creme (2 oz.) - $40.00 - Exquisite, delicate moisturizer for day wear, includes Perfect Science formulas.
Royal Kadin Remember Creme (2 oz.) - $40.00 - More intense moisturizing effect, for dryer skin or as a night creme.
Royal Kadin Rose Night Creme (2 oz.) - $40.00 - Essence of rose, silky moisturizing for overnight.
Royal Kadin Beauty Soap - $5.00 - Aromatherapy in a soap! With liquid silk, apricot kernel oil, grafefruit see extract, coconut and olive oils, shea and cocoa butters, plus Perfect Science formula. You will fall in love!
© 2001-2007 Perfect Science AD , Terry Welch , Nancy OBrien Welch ,Perfect Waters, L.L.C. All rights reserved.
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Contact information:
email perfectscience@gmail.com
telphone-1-815-838-7629 fax 1-815-838-2001
testing 1-941-320-0002 and also
Perfect Waters, L.L.C.
P.O. Box 162 New Lenox, IL 60450 877-890-7709 info@perfectwaters.net
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Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products
Creates an environment that allows:
Balancing pH.
Heavy detoxification of "internal water system."
Transforming and balancing of emotions & feelings.
Recommended/suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Creates an environment that allows:
Enhancing the process of transformation of the "informational overload". Clearing and transforming the web of self-consistent interactions.
Recommended/suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)
Can be chilled in refrigerator.
You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.
Creates an environment that allows:
Transforming patterns adopted through physical and emotional experiences.
Clearing the path for new creativity.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day or at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Creates an environment that allows:
Balancing the body and clearing pathways and networks.
Creating a higher energy and purify the body.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water, Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day or at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)
Can be chilled in refrigerator.
You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.
Creates an environment that allows:
Empowering all aspect of the physical and emotional bodies.
Transforming issues.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60 cc-240cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day or at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Creates an environment that allows:
Balancing in the physical and energy bodies to accept the new purified energy.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)
Can be chilled in refrigerator.
You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.
Creates an environment that allows:
Purifying the neuro- connections.
Recommended/suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240 cc) followed by same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Creates an environment that allows:
Transforming and clearing viruses.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)
Can be chilled in refrigerator.
You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.
Creates an environment that allows:
Transforming by bringing the internal electronic water to harmony and healing.
Natural relaxing and calming.
Transforming poisons to bionutrients.
Balancing genetic information and the building of proteins.
Balancing inner water.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Creates an environment that allows:
Transforming and correcting dissimilar internal water.
Balancing pH.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc- 240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)
Can be chilled in refrigerator.
You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.
Creates an environment that allows:
Transforming of body energy centers.
Clearing energetic blockages.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240cc) followed by same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken during the day or at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Creates an environment that allows:
Clearing and transforming naturally the inner water bringing about a free internal vortex.
Transforming and balancing emotions, feelings and automatic motor operation in the physical body.
Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).
Taken at bedtime.
For best results include:
Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.
Gel to be applied to skin liberally.
Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.
Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)
Can be chilled in refrigerator.
You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.
Contact perfectscience@gmail.com
tel-phone 1-815-838-7629 fax 1-815-838-2001
law office 1-815-723-2909
testing and info on research Jim Trider 1-941-320-0003
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products: "erfect Science products are made with the proprietary formula and ingredients called Ayterion Aqua ™ (named after the creators Terry Welch and Ayhan Doyuk) and mixed only with the best spring water. We consider these formulas to be the best aligned to the Planet and living beings. This consideration is also supported by the pool of data obtained by the Aquatron device by which patients are tested for the different medicaments available.
It is only modern science that recognized the reality as the web of self-consistent interactions in multi-dimensional space-time in which time and interactions are generically non-linear. This means that the reality we live is what we have created, and that we as humans (and that is valid for all entities that exist in the universe) are the result of mutual interactions.
To change the world in which we live we have to first cleanse our physical and energy bodies, in order to help clean the Planet and all that exist on it and all that was created during long painful history of the human fall, and then align it with the New world.
The Ayterion Aqua™ - Perfect Science System is designed for wellness and abets in the balance of most conditions of health for humans and animals. The energetic dietary supplements from Ayterion Aqua™ - Perfect Science System assist in cleansing, detoxifying, ener"
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products: "erfect Science products are made with the proprietary formula and ingredients called Ayterion Aqua ™
Ay means Wisdom Ter means Terry ion for the knowledge of both Doyuks A. Doyuk Welch and Ayhan Doyuk made famous at Wesak . The team Nancy O Brien Welch , Terry Welch , Ayhan Doyuk , A. Doyuk Welch , Andrew Nixon , Randall Miller , and also many others who help along our journey to wellness and helping the planet . This is the story of Terry Welch and her journey to Balance she has Lupus and Bio-Polar
disorder . And with balance and wellness and medicine and alot of talk work . She Won !
(named after the creators Terry Welch and Ayhan Doyuk) and mixed only with the best spring water. We consider these formulas to be the best aligned to the Planet and living beings. This consideration is also supported by the pool of data obtained by the Aquatron device by which patients are tested for the different medicaments available.
It is only modern science that recognized the reality as the web of self-consistent interactions in multi-dimensional space-time in which time and interactions are generically non-linear. This means that the reality we live is what we have created, and that we as humans (and that is valid for all entities that exist in the universe) are the result of mutual interactions.
To change the world in which we live we have to first cleanse our physical and energy bodies, in order to help clean the Planet and all that exist on it and all that was created during long painful history of the human fall, and then align it with the New world.
The Ayterion Aqua™ - Perfect Science System is designed for wellness and abets in the balance of most conditions of health for humans and animals. The energetic dietary supplements from Ayterion Aqua™ - Perfect Science System assist in cleansing, detoxifying, ener"
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products
Bringing You the Perfect Science/Ayterion Agua™
Line of Bio-Health and Environmental Products
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Animal Products
Small Animal Aloe Gel (4 oz. jar) $20.00 - Aloe Vera's characteristics have been documented as having anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to penetrate tissue to increase the blood supply in the area applied. With the addition of the "Ayhanized' formula it is assimilated by the body to aid in balancing which leads to an improved immune system. For small animals apply to paws (gently apply between pads) or on skin as needed.
Large Animal Aloe Gel (16 oz) - $35.00 - Same benefits from Aloe Vera, with a Perfect Science formulation specifically to match the energy signature of horses.
Small Animal Dietary Supplement (4 oz.) concentrate - $20.00 - can be used as a nutrient to hydrate and flush the body, maintaining balance in the body to heal itself.
Large Animal Dietary Supplement (1 + 2) 4 liters - $170.00 - maintains balance in the body, allowing it to heal itself. Horses, cattle, llamas, etc.
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Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products: "Bringing You the Perfect Science/Ayterion Agua™
Line of Bio-Health and Environmental Products
Animal Products
Small Animal Aloe Gel (4 oz. jar) $20.00 - Aloe Vera's characteristics have been documented as having anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to penetrate tissue to increase the blood supply in the area applied. With the addition of the 'Ayhanized' formula it is assimilated by the body to aid in balancing which leads to an improved immune system. For small animals apply to paws (gently apply between pads) or on skin as needed.
Large Animal Aloe Gel (16 oz) - $35.00 - Same benefits from Aloe Vera, with a Perfect Science formulation specifically to match the energy signature of horses.
Small Animal Dietary Supplement (4 oz.) concentrate - $20.00 - can be used as a nutrient to hydrate and flush the body, maintaining balance in the body to heal itself.
Large Animal Dietary Supplement (1 + 2) 4 liters - $170.00 - maintains balance in the body, allowing it to heal itself. Horses, cattle, llamas, etc.
Don't forget our Proprietary Perfect Silver for your pets - Click here for more information
Home | Perfect Science Intro | Perfect Science/Ayterion Agua Bio-Health Products | Perfect Science Environmental Products
Ayterion Agua Bath/Beauty | Aqua-Chi | Testimonials | Perfect Science Pet Products |"
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products: "QUESTIONS TO PERFECT SCIENCE:
WWW.PerfectScience.com email perfectscience@gmail.com
(www.perfectscience.com / www.perfectwaters.net, email perfectscience@gmail.com using the Terion system Ayterion Agua Perfect Science, Mrs. Terry Welch, Mrs. Nancy Francis O'Brien Welch, Ms A. Welch Doyuk and Mr A. Doyuk and the Perfect Science team)
What is the cleaning effect of the drinking water based on?
The human body consists of cells containing cell sap. Depending on circumstances, our bodies also contain different amounts of viruses and bacteria, good and bad. The harmful bacteria produce reproductive cells, which in turn create problems. So we need a substance that supports the internal balance of the cells. By drinking Super Ayhanized water, the harmful bacteria and other microbes encapsulate, their link to cells is broken and they are disengaged from the cells within seconds and withdraw from the body with lymph. After that, the natural antidotes go into effect and the blood balance is restored.
The oxygen content of blood increases by even 60 per cent and the water in the blood becomes crystal clear. In addition, the fat accumulated in blood vessels and other channels changes into harmless oil, which means that the cholesterol level is diminished. The oil, in turn, changes into nutrients and protein, which immediately produces more energy. Briefly, Ayhanized water cleans all blood vessels in the body.
There are several cases in which people "
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products
(www.perfectscience.com / www.perfectwaters.net, using the Terion system Ayterion Agua Perfect Science, Mrs. Terry Welch, Mrs. Nancy Francis O'Brien Welch, Mr A. Doyuk and the Perfect Science team) email perfectscience@gamil.com
What is the cleaning effect of the drinking water based on?
The human body consists of cells containing cell sap. Depending on circumstances, our bodies also contain different amounts of viruses and bacteria, good and bad. The harmful bacteria produce reproductive cells, which in turn create problems. So we need a substance that supports the internal balance of the cells. For medical researchers and Doctor s contact
Mr Jim Trider , Full Circle 1-941-320-0002/ Doctor Mickley PHD / Doctor Silvia Tomic PHD
email perfectscience@gmail.com
By drinking Super Ayterion formula , the harmful bacteria and other microbes encapsulate, their link to cells is broken and they are disengaged from the cells within seconds and withdraw from the body with lymph. After that, the natural antidotes go into effect and the blood balance is restored.
The oxygen content of blood increases by even 60 per cent and the water in the blood becomes crystal clear. In addition, the fat accumulated in blood vessels and other channels changes into harmless oil, which means that the cholesterol level is diminished. The oil, in turn, changes into nutrients and protein, which immediately produces more energy. Briefly, Ayhanized water cleans all blood vessels in the body.
There are several cases in which people who have lost their senses of sight, hearing or smell for example, have regained the lost senses after the blocked channels have been reopened. We all have blockages, but the water removes them.
In arthritis too, certain channels have been blocked preventing blood from circulating freely in those areas. Ionized water helps in these cases too, and restores the free circulation so that the defense mechanisms of the body start working again restoring the healthy state of the body. In diabetes, Ayterion Formula removes the blockages that prevent the normal action of the pancreas. I've seen many such cases. Kidney stones are dissolved without pain and leave the body. The process starts in approximately two weeks' time after the patient has started to drink Ayhanized water. Excellent results have been reached with cancer cases as well.
Skin creams made with Ayterion formula helps penetrate through different skin layers. If, for example, you have scars from operations, the effective ingredients of the ointment penetrate deep, all the way to the marrow. Normally the ointments stay on the surface of the skin, but "water" cures, for example, inflammations deeper, layer by layer, without wound inflammations. The production of new cells is intensified reducing scar tissue and preventing new scars from being formed.
What about AIDS?
There are all kinds of medicines and many kinds of diseases we know. For me the diseases are not different, they are all the same thing. When you clean your blood you have no diseases. And this applies to everything.
Is Ayhanized water effective in treating the heavy metals in the body? Perfect Science AD has done many research projects all over the world in that area. Contact Mr Jim Tirder 1-941-320-0002 e-mail perfectscience@gmail.com
Heavy metals are dangerous. If they can be found in the bodily areas where the organism is in the state of disease they can cause a lot of additional problems. I'm not saying that we shouldn't get rid of them, but there are heavy metals everywhere. However, they have no effect on us if we are healthy. Activated into a dangerous state, they can be 200 times as harmful. Super-Ayhanized water capsules these toxins and makes them ineffectual so that they can no longer damage the cells. Even if the heavy metals remain in the organism for some time they will no longer be dangerous. In one of our tests, for example, the reading of heavy metal content dropped from 5,2 to 0,2!
There are lots of medicines that have been developed to remove pain, for instance. And that's exactly what they do, but the body suffers anyway, pain or no pain. Some of the pain killers, however, contain impure substances. Chemical medicines can also kill all the bacteria, both the good and the bad. Radiotherapy too, can be problematic. Although I respect this kind of treatment I consider it another method. As is the case with chemical and medical treatments, chemotherapeutic treatment too, inflicts new sufferings on the body. But when we destroy viruses and produce useful proteins from fats with water, we do not stress the body in any way. I believe it is a good solution with no harmful side effects.
Generally speaking, herbal treatments are also beneficial. More and more people rely on herbs, which is a good thing. In countries where there are no dangerous gases or pollutants, herbs often suffice, but they are not enough, if there are dangerous industrial and household wastes or hormonal remnants and the like in the environment. Herbs are more sensitive than the human body and may only account for one fifth of the treatment. They are not able to split hydrocarbon into nutrients, and that is why we need Super-Ayterion Clear to clean the blood. WWW.PerfectScience.com
That is the difference between herbs and Super-Ayhanized water Ayterion . It is a good thing that people use herbs, but they are not enough if one lives, for example, in Istanbul, New York or some other heavily polluted area.
In Istanbul people have to go as far as 70 or 80 kilometres from the city to be able to breathe fresh air. The same thing happens more and more often all over the world. In 1857 when oil was introduced as a fuel, it was used only in America and Europe. Nowadays it is used everywhere - 6,000,000,000 people use it! How much pollution it will cause, nobody knows. We will soon be suffocated by it. When there is not enough oxygen in the air we can still breathe but will gradually be suffocated because of the lack of this substance which is of vital importance for our bodily functions. We are indeed going in that direction.
I have heard that they are spreading some new substance from the aeroplanes to clean the air in New York
We have developed that method and done a lot of research on it. When, for example, the city is covered by an air pack and when we spread out our "formula" on top of it, it decomposes the hydrocarbons into free gases that drop down to earth like snow flakes. This former pollutant can then be used as a fertilizer.
Do any of the governments cooperate with you in this matter?
Yes, and I don't believe that this should be the first measure to undertake. Naturally, it would be nice if Perfect Science could have an immediate effect on everything, but I still believe that the first thing to do is to clean the waters. I really believe that when we have first cleaned the waters on our planet the water will then clean our environment. By using cleansers and detergents made from Super-Ayhanized water more and more extensively, the water will be cleaned through the same channels through which it was polluted in the first place.
I can only advise people all over the world and tell them to be active in their own sectors. When we cling to the basic principles, we will increase the understanding both of technology and of our minds. We try to help the others to see the right way.
I have informed many governments, telling them about the existing possibilities and the available applications. But it often happens that even if they see the applications they expect me to introduce them to a university. Americans hope that I will establish a Perfect Science school in the US, and even in Europe I have met many professors who are waiting for me to start a school.
It is true that we have to go to school again and learn new things.
Please read all text written by Doctor Silvia Tomic PHD real science . Real Science is what we about .
The adults are not worried but the new generation is. They feel that they have hardly any hope left. When looking at a river, for example, you can say to your child, "Look at that river. I used to swim in it." The child wonders why he can't do the same thing any more. You could also tell your child, "I used to be able to drink this water" but now you have to tell him not to put his foot in it.
We cannot wait for ten years and see these children grow up, because that will be far too late.
The bulk of research work is now done and we have also proved that what we claimed is true. But I am not a businessman. One has to be either a businessman or a scientist, or either a scientist or just a teacher. In any case I'm happy that we have the applications to clean the water** and the earth**, and human blood too, of course. We also know how to put out difficult fires.
You also work with plants. Can you make plants grow better in cold surroundings, for example?
The water formulas for plants contain a quality that prevents plants from freezing. Our factory is located in a region that may have snow at winter time. When scientists from all over the world came to visit the factory they were wondering how it was possible that there was grass growing near the factory. Thanks to our water, which protects the plant inside as well as outside, this miracle was possible. After the snow has melted, the plants may push up at double speed. As a matter of fact, we have been able to prove that we can have four harvests in Turkey, one in each season. And when we eat that crop, their seeds for example, our ability to tolerate cold also increases. That is true. The scientists also admired the sunflowers, which I had cultivated with the help of water and without using any hormones at all.
How often should the water be used to gain protection against cold?
It is needed only once during the season of growth. The water affects the molecule structure of the plant. Scientists consider this completely incredible.
We could lengthen the season of growth in the Nordic countries.
Indeed, we could, in Finland and Russia, for instance. Some Russian scientists visited me in Turkey because they had several problems concerning oil refining and radioactivity, for example. They also told me about the problems they had in Uzbekistan. Lake Aral is situated in that region. There used to be a river, but now it is a salty desert. I then started to treat the soil with Perfect Science products. Some of the land was completely useless. It was winter and there was snow on the ground when I visited the place. We started with 1,000 square kilometres, and as it turned out, we could make the grass grow again. The Russians were really amazed. However, an earth quake in Turkey interrupted the project, because our manufacturing plant was damaged and we could no longer produce Super Ayhanized water. We had no insurance on the manufacturing plant, and I had no support from anyone. We were left to our own devices. In spite of all this, I tried to help them and the Turkish government. The earth quake started large fires in Turkish oil refineries. I had immediately three helicopters at my disposal and we put out the burning refineries with the products that were stored in our damaged plant. I lost four engineers, excellent colleagues of mine, in the earth quake. There was a lot of sorrow, but afterwards I began to think of how to move on. I had to start everything from the beginning again. There was no factory, nothing.
In Finland the winter is long and it is the general practice to salt the freezing roads. This has been going on for quite a long time now, and the salt is absorbed into groundwater, which has spoiled some of the drinking water. The government has compensated for the damages by drilling new wells in place of the spoilt ones.
Would Perfect Science be a solution to this problem?
We have products that penetrate hundreds of meters deep into the ground encapsulating the salts and protecting the water.
Is there a liquid that could be used instead of the road salt?
We have an Anti-ice product. If they used this product they wouldn't have the problem. I can't force people, but we can clean their water and give them the product to prevent freezing. It is up to them. Countries, however, have their official agreements for importing these salts, so the problem is not quite that simple. Governments have their own ways of action, offers are taken from different competing manufacturers etc, but since Perfect Science has no competitors, this becomes a problem. They should make a precedent decision stating that they will not use road salts any more but will start using safer substances. We are, however, the only company in this field so far, and that is the reason why it is difficult for them to reconcile our principles with their ways of action. It is our problem as well, we cannot compete with any one. The system should be changed. I repeat once more that we can most certainly clean the polluted groundwater as well as the water in the wells, in which case new wells would be unnecessary. Furthermore, we can give them the necessary product to prevent freezing. The problems can be solved, if there is willingness to do it.
Governments control the citizens' problems too. There are a few practices that should be changed. The United Nations is trying to produce some new rules in 2000. These rules would recommend the governments not to use certain products. Consequently, the governments should cancel the deal of many damaging products. They should not allow the production, import and export of toxic products. But introducing new ways of action is never easy.
We cannot force. We can only hope that people would understand new things and new technologies and start testing them or using them, if not hundred per cent, the maybe fifty per cent. The other fifty per cent would still be old technology. They have nothing to lose. The government organs have two offices, one for the protectors and the other for the salters. These offices then dispute with each other but the result is zero. When we offer them a new alternative they say they have to draw up new rules because our product is water. Then they arrange some tests and demonstrations and tell us they have to find the right way to proceed. And this is where everything stops. Nobody has the courage to sign anything. There are so many fears.
I have spoken with many government representatives and offered them solutions to different kinds of problems. And this is what is happening in several places. What I try to do is to open the way for new understanding, new mentality and new scientific approaches. They have nothing to lose, they experiment, and when they see the result, they are convinced.
It is much more difficult to make people act in a preventive way than to make them just act. When the situation reaches the urgent crisis point, there is no more time to wait.
That's right. In a crisis I am called immediately. Then they say, "OK, thank you very much." After that they start proceeding towards another crisis. This is very sad. It is true that they ask me how much money I want, and of course, they are willing to pay for the help. I assure them that I am not doing this for money. Invest in the new technology and start your own production! They agree but don't still understand. Soon everything is just as it used to be and the new technology is forgotten. But when the situation becomes urgent again, they call me. I ask them whether they already have the new system that we had suggested before. Do they already have the agreements? Some governments have made improvements but generally the answer is, "We'll pay you this time, and then we'll start the system." "I don't want money", I say, "but you need a new system. This technology has not been developed only for crises, the next one may be really serious. It might happen that you won't be able to find me next time, I may not be available each time, but if you manufacture your own products, you will be ready at any moment."
How many governments have you cooperated with?
We are collaborating with many governments at the moment, for different reasons. Some have water problems, others large fires; some have soil problems, others difficulties with radioactivity. Each government has its own problems, but most of the requests have to do with urgent "face to face" situations.
What about the UN?
To my great sorrow, I have to say that the UN is a beautiful organization but they do hardly anything. They just can't, which is very sad. I visit the UN from time to time. They draw up resolutions, and hope and wait. My objective is to act through governments so that they would be able to spread the information to their own citizens. The governments are, however, bound by many principles, which control millions, hundreds of millions of people. When they exclude certain matters, these matters really remain out of the reach of millions of people. What is closed is closed.
Business life causes a lot of pollution, which the governments are often responsible for. If someone could make the business world see how to save plain money or to collect savings instead of expenses, that would arouse the interest of many quarters. If, for example, the president of the republic resorted to his authority and said, "... it saves both money and us from many future problems...", that would certainly interest the decision makers in business life.
This is a very important factor. Using the technology developed by Perfect Science saves enormous sums of money. Some are not able to use their polluted water, and others the land they own. Perfect Science technology, however, is a very good bargain, which can save a lot of money. We can save their waters and their land.
Perfect Science technology could create jobs for millions of people right away. When the soil is restored and improved, there would be fewer famines. If the waters were cleaned, the areas that have long been useless could be re-cultivated.
Many countries are at war with each other. Why? Because of water and land. They are not able to use the dry land and the polluted water. The reasons for wars will be abolished when we show them the green solutions and applications. And we do not only restore the environment but also give them new land, new water, everything new.
During the last year and a half I have had the feeling that we are progressing towards positive solutions. I was not so confident earlier. But now, this year, several governments have been willing to understand many new ideas. There have been questions about nature, which has already started to react worldwide. Nature does not forgive anything, and the governments have every reason to be worried.
Thank you.
** Please note that the Environmental Products are not being produced at this time. Home environmental cleaning products are still available. Think about how using the cleaning products and your sewers will work transform all Toxic material . Use Royal Flush
We recommend getting evaluated either via the Aquatron system or the EMS system prior to beginning any use of the formulas. Tel-phone -941-320-0002 or 1-815-838-7629 fax all wellness info 1-815-838-2001
all rights Perfect Science AD, T Welch , A Welch 1990 -2007
DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended to diagnose or recommend medical treatment of any kind for any one. Please consult with your doctor for approval before using these products as part of treatment of any disease or condition.
Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products: "QUESTIONS TO PERFECT SCIENCE:
(www.perfectscience.com / www.perfectwaters.net, using the Terion system Ayterion Agua Perfect Science, Mrs. Terry Welch, Mrs. Nancy Francis O'Brien Welch, Mr A. Doyuk and the Perfect Science team)
What is the cleaning effect of the drinking water based on?
The human body consists of cells containing cell sap. Depending on circumstances, our bodies also contain different amounts of viruses and bacteria, good and bad. The harmful bacteria produce reproductive cells, which in turn create problems. So we need a substance that supports the internal balance of the cells. By drinking Super Ayhanized water, the harmful bacteria and other microbes encapsulate, their link to cells is broken and they are disengaged from the cells within seconds and withdraw from the body with lymph. After that, the natural antidotes go into effect and the blood balance is restored.
The oxygen content of blood increases by even 60 per cent and the water in the blood becomes crystal clear. In addition, the fat accumulated in blood vessels and other channels changes into harmless oil, which means that the cholesterol level is diminished. The oil, in turn, changes into nutrients and protein, which immediately produces more energy. Briefly, Ayhanized water cleans all blood vessels in the body.
There are several cases in which people "
Silvia Tomic CV
Silvia Tomic CV: "Silvia Tomic CV
[Silvia Tomic]
Institute of Physics
Bijenicka 46
P O Box 304
HR-10000 Zagreb
TEL: +385 1 4698 820
FAX: +385 1 4698 889
Curriculum vitae
Personal data
* born Jan 22, 1953, Zagreb, Croatia
* BS 1977, Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* MS 1981, Physics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* PhD (Doctorat d'état) 1986, Physics, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1977-1981: Research Assistent, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1981-1986: Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1987: Postdoctoral position (Chercheur Associé au CNRS), Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1986-1991: Assistant Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1989-1991: Project Leader 'Synthetic Metals and Superconductors', Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1999: Associate Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1996: Project Leader, 'Novel Anisotropic Organic Conductors and Superconductors', Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1996-2003: Project Leader, 'Novel electronic states in molecular conductors', Instit"
Silvia Tomic CV
Silvia Tomic CV: "Silvia Tomic CV
[Silvia Tomic]
Institute of Physics
Bijenicka 46
P O Box 304
HR-10000 Zagreb
TEL: +385 1 4698 820
FAX: +385 1 4698 889
Curriculum vitae
Personal data
* born Jan 22, 1953, Zagreb, Croatia
* BS 1977, Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* MS 1981, Physics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* PhD (Doctorat d'état) 1986, Physics, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1977-1981: Research Assistent, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1981-1986: Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1987: Postdoctoral position (Chercheur Associé au CNRS), Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1986-1991: Assistant Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1989-1991: Project Leader 'Synthetic Metals and Superconductors', Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1999: Associate Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1996: Project Leader, 'Novel Anisotropic Organic Conductors and Superconductors', Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1996-2003: Project Leader, 'Novel electronic states in molecular conductors', Institute o"
Silvia Tomic CV
Silvia Tomic CV
[Silvia Tomic]
Institute of Physics
Bijenicka 46
P O Box 304
HR-10000 Zagreb
TEL: +385 1 4698 820
FAX: +385 1 4698 889
Curriculum vitae
Personal data
* born Jan 22, 1953, Zagreb, Croatia
* BS 1977, Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* MS 1981, Physics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* PhD (Doctorat d'état) 1986, Physics, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1977-1981: Research Assistent, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1981-1986: Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1987: Postdoctoral position (Chercheur Associé au CNRS), Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1986-1991: Assistant Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1989-1991: Project Leader "Synthetic Metals and Superconductors", Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1999: Associate Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1996: Project Leader, "Novel Anisotropic Organic Conductors and Superconductors", Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1996-2003: Project Leader, "Novel electronic states in molecular conductors", Institute of Physics, Zagreb
* 2003-now: Project Leader, "Systems of reduced dimensionality: from synthetic organic to biomaterials", Institute of Physics, Zagreb
* 1999-now: Scientific Advisor
Main Research Topics and Interests
[Silvia Tomic]
* Charge and Spin density waves
* Organic superconductivity
* Novel anisotropic synthetic materials
* Self-organised structures
* Life sciences and biotechnology
Get partial bibliography of recent articles for Real Science group (abstracts included): BibTeX file or PS file.
Recent articles
2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997
Published articles
1. D. Djurek, K. Franulovic, M. Prester, S. Tomic, L. Giral and J.M. Fabre, New Phase Transition at 46 K in Tetrathiafulvalane Tetracyanoquinodimethane (TTF-TCNQ), Phys. Rev. Lett. 38, 715 (1977).
2. K. Biljakovic-Franulovic, S. Tomic, M. Prester and D. Djurek, Specific Heat Measurements of the Quasi One-Dimensional Conductor HMTTF-TCNQ, Fizika 10, 254 (1978).
3. K. Biljakovic-Franulovic, S. Tomic, M. Prester and D. Djurek, Calorimetric Study of the Phase Transitions in HMTTF-TCNQ, J. Physique Lett. ?, L151 (1979).
4. S. Tomic, K. Biljakovic, D. Djurek, J.R. Cooper, P. Monceau and A. Meerschant, Calorimetric Study of the Phase Transitions in Niobium Triselenide NbSe3, Solid State Commun. 38, 109 (1981).
5. S. Tomic, K. Biljakovic, D. Djurek and J.R. Cooper, Calorimetric Study of the Phase Transitions in NbSe3, Chemica Scripta 17, 189 (1981).
6. S. Tomic, Fraction of Condensed Electrons and CDW Correlation Length from Specific Heat Data for NbSe3, Solid State Commun. 40, 321 (1981).
7. D. Djurek and S. Tomic, Thermal Conductivity of NbSe3, Phys. Lett. 85A, 155 (1981).
8. D. Djurek, M.Prester and S. Tomic, Electric Field Dependent Dielectric Function in NbSe3, Solid State Commun. 42, 807 (1982).
9. S. Tomic, D. Jérome, P. Monod and K. Bechgaard, EPR and Electrical Conductivity of the Organic Superconductor Ditetramethyltetraselenafulvalenium-perchlorate, (TMTSF)2ClO4 and a Metastable Magnetic State Obtained by Fast Cooling, J. Physique Lett. 43, L-839 (1982).
10. S. Tomic, J.P. Pouget, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, Influence of Disorder on the Metal Insulator Phase Transition in Di-(Tetramethyltetraselenafulvalene)-ium perbromate, (TMTSF)2BrO4, J. Physique 44, 375 (1983).
11. S. Tomic, D. Jérome, P. Monod and K. Bechgaard, Influence of the Anion Disorder on the Low Temperature Behaviour of the Organic Superconductor (TMTSF)2ClO4, J. Physique Colloq. 44, C3-1083 (1983).
12. S. Tomic, D. Jérome, D. Mailly, M. Ribault and K. Bechgaard, Influence of the Disorder Potential of the Anions on the ground State of the Organic Alloy (TMTSF)2(ClO4)1-x(ReO4)x, J. Physique Colloq. 44, C3-1075 (1983).
13. S. Tomic, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, Influence of the Cooling Rate on the Ground State of the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2ReO4, J. Phys. C., Solid State Phys. 17, L11 (1984).
14. S. Tomic, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, The Electric Field Induced Conducting State in an Organic Semiconductor, J. Phys. C., Solid State Phys. 17, L655 (1984).
15. S. Tomic, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, Cooling Rate and Electric Field Effects in (TMTSF)2FSO3, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 119, 59 (1985).
16. S. Tomic, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, Influence of the Anion Order on the Ground State of the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2ReO4, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 119, 241 (1985).
17. C. Weyl, L. Brossard, S. Tomic, D. Mailly, D. Jérome, B. Hilti and C.W. Mayer, Magnetotransport and EPR Measurements on (TSeT)2Br, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 120, 263 (1985).
18. R.T. Henriques, L. Alcaser, M. Almeida and S. Tomic, Transport and Magnetic Properties on the Family of Perylene-dithiolate Conductors, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 120, 237 (1985).
19. R.C. Lacoe, F. Creuzet, K. Murata, S. Tomic, D. Jérome, M. Ribault, K. Bechgaard and A. Moradpour, The Effect of Pressure on Anion Ordering in (TMTSF)2BF4, Synth. Metals 15, 289 (1986).
20. S. Tomic, L. Brossard, R.C. Lacoe, D. Jérome, M. Ribault, K. Bechgaard and G. Rindorf, The Role of Anions in Determining the Ground State and the Low Temperature Behaviour of the Organic Alloy (TMTSF)2(ClO4)1-x(ReO4)4, 0≤x≤1, Physica 143B, 375 (1986).
21. M. Ribault, F. Pesty, L. Brossard, B. Pivetau, P. Garoche, J.R. Cooper, S. Tomic, A. Moradpour and K. Bechgaard, Field Induced Phase Transitions in the Bechgaard Salts, Physica 143B, 393 (1986).
22. L. Brossard, S. Tomic, D. Mailly ,D. Jérome, M. Ribault and K. Bechgaard, Shubnikov de Haas Oscillations and (0,1/2,1/2) Anion Ordering in (TMTSF)2ReO4 at 14 kbar Observed by Transport Measurements, Physica 143B, 409 (1986).
23. S. Tomic, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, Effects of Non-Magnetic Disorder in Organic Superconductors, in "Low-dimensional Conductors and Superconductors", ed. D. Jérome and L.G. Caron, Plenum Press, p. 335 (1987).
24. S. Tomic, D. Jérome, A. Aumüller, P. Erk, S. Hünig and J.U. von Schütz, Pressure-Induced Metal-to-Insulator Phase Transitions in the Organic Conductor (2,5 DM-DCNQI)2Cu, Europhysics Letters 5, 553 (1988).
25. S. Tomic, D. Jérome, A. Aumüller, P. Erk, S. Hünig and J.U. von Schütz, Pressure-Temperature Phase Diagram of the Organic Conductor (2,5 DM-DCNQI)2Cu, J. Physics C., Solid State Physics 21, L203 (1988).
26. S. Tomic, F. Fontaine and D. Jérome, Search for Narrow-Band Noise under Pulsed Electric Fields in the Non-Linear Regime of TTF-TCNQ, Phys. Rev. B 37, 8468 (1988).
27. R.T. Henriques, W. Kang, S. Tomic, D. Jérome, A. Aumüller, S. Hünig and J.U. von Schütz, Transport Properties of (DM-DCNQI)2Ag at Normal and Applied Pressure, Solid State Commun. 68, 909 (1988).
28. P. Baillargeon, C. Bourbonnais, S. Tomic, P. Vaca and C. Coulon, EPR Analysis of Antiferromagnetic Critical Effects in Organic Conductors, Synth. Metals 27, B83 (1988).
29. A. Penicaud, P. Batail, S. Tomic, D. Jérome and C. Coulon, Cation-Radical Salts of the Paramagnetic Hexanuclear Octahedral Halide Cluster Nb6Cl183-: Preparation, Crystal Structure, Transport and Magnetic Properties of D5(Nb6Cl18)(CH2Cl2)0.5 (D=TMTSF and TMTTF) and (TTF)2(Nb6Cl18)(Et4N)(CH3CN)0.75, Synth. Metals 27, B103 (1988).
30. R.T. Henriques, S. Tomic, W. Kang, D. Jérome, F. Brisset, P. Batail, P. Erk, S. Hünig and J.U. von Schütz, Pressure-Temperature Phase Diagram of (DM-DCNQI)2Ag: a Comparative Study with Related Compounds, Synth. Metals 27, B33 (1988).
31. S. Tomic, D. Jérome, A. Aumüller, P. Erk, S. Hünig and J.U. von Schütz, Pressure-Temperature Phase Diagram of the Organic Conductor (DM-DCNQI)2Cu, Synth. Metals 27, B281 (1988).
32. S. Tomic, D. Jérome, J.R. Cooper and K. Bechgaard, Spin-Density Wave in the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2NO3: Antiferromagnetic Critical Effects and Non-Linear Transport, Synth. Metals 27, B645 (1988).
33. S. Tomic, J.R. Cooper, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, Non-Ohmic Electrical Transport in the Spin-Density Wave State of Tetramethyltetraselenafulvalinium Nitrate (TMTSF)2NO3, Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 462 (1989).
34. S. Tomic and D. Jérome, A Hidden Low-Temperature Phase in the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2ReO4, J. Physics C: Condensed Matter 1, 4451 (1989).
35. H.J. Gross, U. Langhör, J.U. von Schütz, H.P. Werner, H.C. Wolf, S. Tomic, D. Jérome, P. Erk, H. Meixner and S. Hünig, The Conductivity of Alloyed Radical Anion Salts: 2,5-disubstituted DCNQI's with Copper-Counterions, J. Phys. France 50, 2347 (1989).
36. S. Tomic and D. Jérome, A Hidden Low Temperature Phase in the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2ReO4 in "The Physics and Chemistry of Organic Superconductors", eds. G. Saito and S. Kagoshima, Springer-Verlag, p.64 (1989).
37. S. Tomic, J.R. Cooper, W. Kang and D. Jérome, Non-Ohmic Electrical Transport in the Spin-Density Wave State of Organic Conductors, in "The Physics and Chemistry of Organic Superconductors", eds. G. Saito and S. Kagoshima, Springer-Verlag, p. 111 (1989).
38. S. Tomic, J.R. Cooper, W. Kang and D. Jérome, Non-Ohmic Electrical Transport in the Spin-Density Wave State of Organic Conductors, Fizika 21, Suppl. 3, 55 (1989).
39. W. Kang, S. Tomic, J.R. Cooper and D. Jérome, Phase Transition and Non-Ohmic Electrical Transport in the Spin-Density Wave State of the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2PF6, Phys. Rev. B 41, 4862 (1990).
40. W. Kang, S. Tomic and D. Jérome, Defect-Concentration Dependence of the Spin-Density Wave Transport in the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2PF6, Phys. Rev. B 43, 1264 (1991).
41. S. Tomic, J.R. Cooper, W. Kang, D. Jérome and K. Maki, The Influence of Chemical Impurities and X-ray Induced Defects on the Single-Particle and Spin-Density Wave Conductivity in the Bechgaards Salts, J. Phys.France 1, 1603 (1991).
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42. P. Auban, V. Celebonovic, S. Tomic, D. Jérome and K. Bechgaard, New Results on the Phase Diagram of the (TMTSF)2FSO3 Salt, Synth. Metals 42, 2281 (1991).
43. S. Tomic, J.R. Cooper, W. Kang and D. Jérome, Non-Ohmic Electrical Transport in the Spin-Density Wave State of the Organic Conductors (TMTSF)2X, Synth. Metals 43, 4007 (1991).
44. S. Tomic, Nonlinear Electrical Transport Effects in the Spin-Density Wave State of the Organic Conductors (TMTSF)2X, in "Lower-Dimensional Systems and Molecular Electronics", eds. R.M. Metzger, P. Day and G.C. Papavassiliou, Plenum Press, NATO ASI Series, Series B: Physics Vol. 248, p. 251 (1990).
45. S. Dolanski Babic, N. Biskup, S. Tomic and D. Schweitzer, Electrical Transport in the Organic Superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2AuI2: Influence of X-ray Induced Defects on the Normal Phase and Superconducting Ground State, Phys. Rev. B 46, 11765 (1992).
46. N. Biskup, M. Basletic, S. Tomic, B. Korin-Hamzic, K. Maki, K. Bechgaard and J.M. Fabre, Magnetic-field dependence of the phase-coherence length in the spin-density-wave state of tetramethyltetraselenafulvalinium nitrate, (TMTSF)2NO3, Phys. Rev. B 47, 8289 (1993).
47. M. Basletic, N. Biskup, S. Tomic, B. Korin-Hamzic and A. Hamzic, Magnetic field influence on the low and high electric field transport in the spin-density wave state of the organic conductor (TMTSF)2NO3, Synth. Metals 56, 2593 (1993).
48. N. Biskup, S. Dolanski Babic, B. Korin-Hamzic and S. Tomic, Influence of electron-electron scattering on the electrical conductivity in organic conductors, Synth. Metals 56, 1762 (1993).
49. N. Biskup, S. Dolanski Babic, B. Korin-Hamzic and S. Tomic, Electrical transport in the organic superconductor β-(BEDT-TTF)2AuI2: influence of X-ray induced defects on the normal phase and superconducting ground state, Synth. Metals 56, 2821 (1993).
50. N. Biskup, M. Basletic, S. Tomic and K. Maki, Non-Linear Electrical Transport Effects in the Anion Induced Charge-Density Wave State of the Organic Conductors (TMTSF)2ReO4 and (TMTSF)2FSO3, Synth. Metals 56, 2611 (1993).
51. M. Basletic, N. Biskup, B. Korin-Hamzic, S. Tomic, A. Hamzic, K. Bechgaard and J.M. Fabre, Anomalous magnetoresistance in the spin density wave state of tetramethyltetraselenafulvalinium nitrate, (TMTSF)2NO3: Imperfect-nesting effects, Europhys. Lett. 22, 279 (1993).
52. S. Tomic, N. Biskup, B. Korin-Hamzic, M. Basletic, A. Hamzic, K. Maki, J.M. Fabre and K. Bechgaard, Magnetic field influence on the spin-density wave of the organic conductor (TMTSF)2NO3, J. Phys. IV France 3, C2-293 (1993).
53. M. Basletic, A. Hamzic, N. Biskup, S. Tomic, B. Korin-Hamzic, K. Maki, J.M. Fabre and K. Bechgaard, Magnetotransport effects in the spin-density wave state of the organic conductor (TMTSF)2NO3, J. Phys. IV France 3, C2-315 (1993).
54. A. Audouard, F. Goze, S. Dubois, J.P. Ulmet, L. Brossard, S. Askenazy, S. Tomic and J.M. Fabre, Slow and Fast Quantum Oscillations in the High Field Magnetoresistance of (TMTSF)2NO3: Magnetic Breakthrough Linked to SDW Gap Opening, Europhys. Lett. 25, 363 - 368 (1994).
55. S. Tomic, N. Biskup, S. Dolanski Babic and K. Maki, Commensurate Spin-Density Wave State in (TMTTF)2Br: Single Particle and Collective Charge Dynamics, Europhys. Lett. 26, 295 (1994).
56. N. Biskup, L. Balicas, S. Tomic, D. Jérome and J.M. Fabre, Slow Quantum Oscillations in the Semimetallic Spin-Density Wave State of (TMTSF)2NO3, Phys. Rev. B 50, 12721 (1994).
57. V. Ilakovac, S. Ravy, J.P. Pouget, C. Lenoir, K. Boubekeur, P. Batail, S. Dolanski-Babic, N. Biskup, B. Korin-Hamzic, S. Tomic and C. Bourbonnais, Enhanced charge localization in the organic alloys [(TMTSF)1-x(TMTTF)x]2ReO4, Phys. Rev. B 50, 7136 (1994).
58. N. Biskup, S. Tomic and D. Jérome, Spin-Density Wave State of Tetramethyltetraselenofulvalinium Hexafluorophosphate (TMTSF)2PF6: Pressure and magnetic Field Effects, Phys. Rev. B 51, 17972 (1995).
59. V. Ilakovac, S. Ravy, J.P. Pouget, C. Lenoir, P. Batail, K. Boubekeur, S. Dolanski-Babic, N. Biskup, B. Korin-Hamzic, S. Tomic and C. Bourbonnais, Enhanced Charge Localization in the Organic Alloys [(TMTSF)1-x(TMTTF)x]2ReO4, Synth. Metals 70, 753 (1995).
60. M. Basletic, B. Korin-Hamzic, A. Hamzic, S. Tomic and J.M. Fabre, Hall effect in the organic conductor (TMTSF)2NO3, Solid State Commun. 97, 333 - 337 (1996).
61. A. Omerzu, D. Mihailovic, S. Tomic and N. Biskup, Electrical Conductivity in Orientationally Disordered Systems: AC and DC measurements in Ferromagnetic Single Crystals of TDAE-C60, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 2045 (1996).
62. M. Basletic, D. Zanchi, B. Korin-Hamzic, A. Hamzic, S. Tomic and J.M. Fabre, Negative Magnetoresistance in (TMTTF)2Br, J. Phys. I France 6, 1855 - 1864 (1996).
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63. B. Korin-Hamzic, M. Basletic, D. Zanchi, A. Hamzic, S. Tomic and J.M. Fabre, Galvanomagnetic properties of quasi-1D organic conductors (TMTSF)2NO3 and (TMTTF)2Br, Synth. Metals 85, 1535 - 1536 (1997).
64. S. Tomic, N. Biskup and A. Omerzu, Low-Frequency Dielectric Relaxation of Spin-Density Wave in the Bechgaard Salt (TMTSF)2PF6, Synth. Metals 85, 1597 (1997).
65. S. Tomic, N. Biskup and A. Omerzu, Electrical Transport Measurements on TDAE-C60 Single Crystals, Synth. Metals 85, 1723 (1997).
66. S. Tomic, N. Biskup, M. Pinteric, J.U. von Schütz, H. Schmitt and R. Moret, Low frequency dielectric response of charge-density wave pinned by commensurability in (2,5(OCH3)2DCNQI)2Li, Europhys. Lett., 38 (3), 219 - 224 (1997).
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67. M. Pinteric, S. Tomic and J.U. von Schütz, Transport Properties Of Charge-density Wave In The (2,5(OCH3)2DCNQI)2Li, Proceedings of 34th international conference on microeletronics, devices and materials, MIDEM 1998, 99 - 104 (1998). [DOC file 1498kB/ZIPped 574kB]
68. P. Auban-Senzier, C. Lenoir, P. Batail, D. Jérome and S. Tomic, Charge Localization in Organic Conductors (TM)2X: the Influence of Anion Ordering, Eur. Phys. J. B 7, 529 - 532 (1999).
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69. M. Pinteric, M. Prester, S. Tomic, K. Maki, D. Schweitzer, I. Heinen and W. Strunz, Superconducting State in the Layered Organic Superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br, Synth. Metals 103, 1869 - 1872 (1999).
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70. M. Pinteric, N. Biskup, S. Tomic, D. Schweitzer, W. Strunz and I. Heinen, Collective Charge Response in the Weak Ferromagnetic Phase of κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl, Synth. Metals 103, 1937 (1999).
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71. M. Pinteric, N. Biskup, S. Tomic and J.U. von Schütz, Non-Ohmic Electrical Transport in the Charge-Density Wave State of (2,5(OCH3)2DCNQI)2Li, Synth. Metals 103, 2185 - 2186 (1999).
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72. N. Biskup, T. Vuletic, D. Herman, S. Tomic, M. Nagasawa and K. Bechgaard, Low Frequency Dielectric Response in Spin Density Wave Phase of Bechgaard Salts, Synth. Metals 103, 2052 - 2053 (1999).
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73. S. Tomic, P. Auban-Senzier and D. Jérome, Charge Localization in [(TMTTF)0.5(TMTSF)0.5]2ReO4: a Pressure Study, Synth. Metals 103, 2197 - 2198 (1999).
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74. M. Pinteric, M. Miljak, N. Biskup, O. Milat, I. Aviani, S. Tomic, D. Schweitzer, W. Strunz and , I. Heinen, Magnetic anisotropy and low-frequency dielectric response of weak ferromagnetic phase in κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl, where BEDT-TTF is Bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene, Eur. Phys. J. B 11, 217 - 225 (1999).
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75. M. Pinteric, N. Biskup, S. Tomic, D. Schweitzer, W. Strunz and I. Heinen, The Low-frequency Dielectric Response And Non-linear DC Electrical Transport In κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl, Proceedings of 35th international conference on microeletronics, devices and materials, MIDEM 1999, 83 - 88 (1999).
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76. S. Tomic, M. Pinteric, K. Maki, M. Prester, D. Drobac, O. Milat, D. Schweitzer, I. Heinen and W. Strunz, Out-of-plane superfluid density of a layered organic superconductor: The coherent Josephson tunneling, J. Phys. IV France 9, Pr10-301 - Pr10-303 (1999).
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77. T. Vuletic, D. Herman, N. Biskup, M. Pinteric, A. Omerzu, S. Tomic and M. Nasagawa, Single-particle and spin-density wave charge dynamics in (TMTSF)2PF6 And (TMTSF)2AsF6: A comparative overview, J. Phys. IV France 9, Pr10-275 - Pr10-277 (1999).
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78. M. Basletic, N. Biskup, B. Korin-Hamzic, A. Hamzic and S. Tomic, Sliding Spin-density waves: studies of conduction noise, magnetic field dependence and Hall resistivity, Fizika A 8, 293 - 310 (1999).
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79. M. Pinteric, S. Tomic, M. Prester, D. Drobac, O. Milat, K. Maki, D. Schweitzer, I. Heinen and W. Strunz, Probing the order parameter of the layered organic superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br by AC susceptibility measurements, Phys. Rev. B 61, 7033 - 7038 (2000).
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80. M. Pinteric, T. Vuletic, M. Loncaric, S. Tomic and J.U. von Schutz, Low frequency dielectric spectroscopy of the Peierls-Mott insulating state in the deuterated copper-DCNQI systems, Eur. Phys. J. B 16, 487 - 493 (2000).
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81. S. Tomic, M. Pinteric, K. Maki, M. Prester, D. Drobac, O. Milat, D. Schweitzer, I. Heinen and W. Strunz, In-plane and out-of-plane superfluid density of a layered organic superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br, J. Phys. IV France 10, Pr3-161 - Pr3-166 (2000).
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82. S. Tomic, M. Pinteric, T. Vuletic, J.U. von Schütz and D. Schweitzer, Low-frequency dielectric spectroscopy of commenurate density waves, Synth. Metals 120, 695 - 698 (2001).
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83. T. Vuletic, M. Pinteric, M. Loncaric, S. Tomic and J.U. von Schütz, Non-ohmic electrical transport in the Peierls-Mott state of deuterated copper-DCNQI systems, Synth. Metals 120, 1001 - 1002 (2001).
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84. T. Vuletic, C. Pasquier, P. Auban-Senzier, S. Tomic, D. Jérome, K. Maki and K. Bechgaard, Influence of quantum Hall effect on linear and nonlinear conductivity in the FISDW states of the organic conductor (TMTSF)2PF6, Eur. Phys. J. B 21, 53 - 60 (2001).
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85. M. Pinteric, T. Vuletic, S. Tomic amd J.U. von Schütz, Complex low-frequency dielectric relaxation of the charge-density wave state in the (2,5(OCH3)2DCNQI)2Li, Eur. Phys. J. B 22, 335 - 341 (2001).
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86. S. Tomic, M. Pinteric, M. Prester, D. Drobac and K. Maki, Superconductivity and magnetism in organic layered superconductors, Physica C 364-365, 247 - 250 (2001).
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87. T. Vuletic, P. Auban-Senzier, C. Pasquier, S. Tomic, D. Jérome, M. Héritier and K. Bechgaard, Coexistence of Superconductivity and Spin Density Wave orderings in the organic superconductor (TMTSF)2PF6, Eur. Phys. J. B 25, 319-331 (2002).
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88. B. Gorshunov, P. Haas, T. Room, M. Dressel, T. Vuletic, B. Korin-Hamzic, S. Tomic, J. Akimitsu, T. Nagata, Charge Density Wave formation in Sr14Cu24O41, Phys. Rev. B 66, 060508(R) (2002).
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89. M. Pinteric, S. Tomic, M. Prester, D. Drobac and K. Maki, Influence of internal disorder on the superconducting state in the organic layered superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br, Phys. Rev. B 66, 174521 (2002).
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90. S. Tomic, T. Vuletic, M. Pinteric, B.Korin-Hamzic, Modalities of Self-Organized Charge Response in Low Dimensional Systems, J. Phys. IV France 12, Pr9-211 (2002).
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91. C. Pasquier, P. Auban-Senzier, T. Vuletic, S. Tomic, M. Héritier, D. Jérome, Coexistence of superconductivity and spin density wave orderings in Bechgaard and Fabre salts, J. Phys. IV France 12, Pr9-197 (2002).
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92. S. Tomic, M. Pinteric, M. Prester, D. Drobac and K. Maki, Genuine superconducting ground state in κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br: an understanding after decade of controversy, Synth. Metals 137/1-3, 1327 (2003)
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93. T. Vuletić, B. Korin-Hamzić, S. Tomić, B. Gorshunov, P. Haas, M. Dressel, J. Akimitsu, T. Sasaki, T. Nagata, Variable-range hopping conductivity in the copper-oxygen chains of La3Sr3Ca8Cu24O41, Phys. Rev. B 67, 184521 (2003).
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94. T.Vuletić, B.Korin-Hamzić, S.Tomić, B.Gorshunov, P.Haas, T.Rôôm, M.Dressel, J.Akimitsu and T.Nagata, Suppression of the charge-density wave state in Sr14Cu24O41 by calcium doping, Phys. Rev. Lett 90, 257002 (2003).
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95. M. Pinterić, T. Vuletić, S. Tomić, Properties of Mott-Peierls insulating phase in deuterated copper-DCNQI systems, Proceedings of 39th
international conference on microeletronics, devices and materials, MIDEM 2003, 231-236 (2003).
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96. M. Pinterić, T. Vuletić, M. Lončarić, K. Petukhov, B. Gorshunov, J. U. von Schütz, S. Tomić and M. Dressel, Mott–Peierls phase in deuterated copper-DCNQI systems: a comprehensive study of longitudinal and transverse conductivity and ageing effects, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, 7351-7364 (2003).
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97. M. Pinterić, S. Tomić and K. Maki, The superconducting order parameter in the organic layered superconductor
k-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br, J. Phys. IV France 114, 245 (2004).
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98. M. Pinterić, S. Tomić and K. Maki, Gossamer superconductivity in k-(BEDT-TTF)2X?, Physica C 408-410, 75 (2004).
[PDF file 380kB]
99. T.Vuletić, T. Ivek, B.Korin-Hamzić, S.Tomić, B.Gorshunov, P.Haas, M.Dressel, J.Akimitsu, T. Sasaki and T.Nagata, Anisotropic Charge Modulation in the Ladder Planes of Sr14-xCaxCu24O41 by calcium doping, Phys. Rev. B 71, 012508 (2005). [PDF file 340kB]
100. P. Zornoza, K. Petukhov, M. Dressel, N. Biskup, T. Vuletic, and S. Tomic, Anisotropy and field-dependence of the spin-density-wave dynamics in the quasi one-dimensional conductor (TMTSF)2PF6, Eur. Phys. J. B 46, 223-230 (2005).
[PDF file 401kB]
101. T.Vuletić, T. Ivek, B.Korin-Hamzić, S.Tomić, B.Gorshunov, M.Dressel, C.Hess, B.Büchner and J.Akimitsu, Phase diagrams of (La,Y,Sr,Ca)14Cu24O41: switching between the ladders and the chains, J. Phys. IV France 131, 299-305 (2005). [PDF file 144kB]
102. T.Vuletić, T. Ivek, B.Korin-Hamzić, S.Tomić, B.Gorshunov, M.Dressel and J.Akimitsu, The Spin-Ladder and Spin-Chain System (La,Y,Sr,Ca)14Cu24O41: Electronic Phases, Charge and Spin Dynamics, Phys. Rep. 428, 169-258 (2006) [PDF file 2.6MB]
Article(s) accepted for publication
S. Tomić, T.Vuletić, S. Dolanski Babić, S. Krča, D. Ivanković, L. Griparić, R. Podgornik, Screening and fundamental length scales in semidilute Na-DNA aqueous solutions, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett, September 2006.
Article(s) in preparation
S. Tomić, S. Dolanski Babić, T.Vuletić, S. Krča, D. Ivanković, L. Griparić, R. Podgornik , Dielectric relaxation of DNA aqueous solutions, cond-mat/0602255
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Silvia Tomic CV: "Silvia Tomic CV
[Silvia Tomic]
Institute of Physics
Bijenicka 46
P O Box 304
HR-10000 Zagreb
TEL: +385 1 4698 820
FAX: +385 1 4698 889
Curriculum vitae
Personal data
* born Jan 22, 1953, Zagreb, Croatia
* BS 1977, Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* MS 1981, Physics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
* PhD (Doctorat d'état) 1986, Physics, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1977-1981: Research Assistent, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1981-1986: Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1987: Postdoctoral position (Chercheur Associé au CNRS), Solid State Physics Laboratory, University of Paris-South, Orsay, France
* 1986-1991: Assistant Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
* 1989-1991: Project Leader 'Synthetic Metals and Superconductors', Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1999: Associate Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1991-1996: Project Leader, 'Novel Anisotropic Organic Conductors and Superconductors', Institute of Physics, University of Zagreb
* 1996-2003: Project Leader, 'Novel electronic states in molecular conductors', Institute o"
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Perfect Science Symposium
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World Water Day
Beijing, China
March 18-22, 1996
Ladies and gentlemen and esteemed colleagues of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, it is the very great pleasure of Perfect Science of Istanbul, Turkey to present to this historic gathering comprehensive solutions to the water and sanitation crises presently confronting all industrialized and developing countries. Perfect Science has developed the Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program for the express purpose of assisting all sovereign nations and their peoples in the task of stabilizing the collapsing ecosystems of Planet Earth in accordance with United Nations resolution 44/228. The complete Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program will be unveiled at the upcoming United Nations Habitat 11 Summit in Istanbul.
Perfect Science has developed, in conjunction with the Turkish Government, unique methodologies which permit for the immediate purification of all global drinking wate"
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